The beachy smash was Buffett's highest charting single, although it never reached No. 1. The song peaked at No. 13 onBillboard's Hot Country Songs chart and No. 1 on the publication's Hot 100 chart. It's a song that has defined 76-year-old Buffett's career. Denver released "Take ...
Jimmy Buffetthad been mining the carefree geniality of Key West, mixed with a bit of country charm, since his debut album in 1970. But onChanges in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes, the well-traveled Mississippi-born troubadour found a wave he would ride to fame, fortune and perpetual good-n...
Following Buffett's death last weekend, McCartney, who plays on "My Gummie Just Kicked In," wrote a tribute on social media.Paul McCartney Says 'Bubbles Up' Features Jimmy Buffett's Best Vocal "We had a real fun session and he played me some of his new songs. One, in particular, I ...