In fact, according to Scheeres, Jones held a number of mass suicide rehearsals to see how the crowd would respond, and who would cause him trouble. “And then he made those people line up first,” she says. “He figured out that if they killed the children first, then the parents woul...
The Dow Jones Industrial Average on May 8, 2020 was 24,197 points or about 1,000 less than in was on the same date in 2019. Today the Dow Jones is over 36,000. In my previous post titled Statistics, I highlight the shortcomings of “Statistics” and clearly there are many. I do...
... "George Phillip Blakey had been the individual who placed the down payment on the property in Guiana which was purchased by Jim Jones and the People's Temple. He had previously been a contract agent for the Central Intelligence Agency in Angola where the CIA was conducting a massive...
Murray, Joyce, and Hopper descended into the underground base, killed the guards, and stole their clothes before proceeding. Murray continued on to damage the Key's power supply while Joyce and Hopper waited, with Joyce arranging another dinner date at Enzo's with Hopper after all the events ...
some were successful in doing so, and word started to spread that they were not only being abused but also being held against their will. That’s when Jim ordered a mass suicide, poisoning over 900 people by putting cyanide in Flavor Aid. In 1978, Jim Jones was killed in what was said...
Another point, which CIA theorists use to support their beliefs, is the fact that, despite the growing controversy surrounding the People's Temple, Jones's move to "Jonestown" was given full support from the American Embassy in Guyana. Larry Layton, the only one ever prosecuted for the murd...
I haven’t seen Landman yet but this is an all-time speech by Jerry Jones. Probably because he’s not acting. That’shis real life. “It’s amazing to me howmuch waste is consuming our daily work. It seems like 30% of everybody’s job is fixing something—either the bad quality or...
That term originated in Jim Jones death camps in South America. That’s what we have here. A bunch of government Bank puppet Kool-aide punchers . Really sad that this is what it has come to. Reply Greg Hunter 03/18/2014 • Thank you Jerry. The trolls seem so transparent. Greg ...
(1916), which details his ongoing relationship with his dead son, Raymond, killed the previous year at Ypres. These two early twentieth-century books have much to tell us about how Lodge, then at the peak of his fame, began to seem increasingly Victorian. They also reveal details of a ...
DIY code that a lot of people in textiles interacted with—many of whom were women. By the 1970s, they were used by people knitting for themselves and their families, for take-home piece-work, and in textile factory settings. The punch card machine was eventually replaced in commercial and...