卫巍等-JGR Solid Earth: 活动大陆边缘构造对岩浆周期性活动的控制作用 世界各地的岩浆活动总以岩浆爆发期和岩浆平静期交替为特征。它与人类社会息息相关,为人类提供了有用的矿产,也会导致自然灾害。因此有必要识别和探讨控制岩浆活动的因素。目前岩浆活动爆发和平静的原因尚有争议,有学者认为地壳增厚和挤压缩短体制...
此研究获国家自然科学基金创新群体项目“矿物演化”(41921003)和中国科学院青年创新促进会(2019345)资助。论文发表于Journal of Geophysical Research:Solid Earth。该论文被选为Editor’s Highlight,副主编Nikolai Bagdassarov在美国地球物理...
近日,国际著名地学刊物《JGR-Solid Earth》发表了海洋地质国家重点实验室博士生陈建全的学术论文《Decoding stress patterns of the 2023 Türkiye-Syria earthquake doublet》,揭示了2023年土耳其Mw7.8和Mw7.6级双地震的应力变化,并评估了东安纳托利亚断裂带及死海断裂带地震空区的地震危险性。 位于土耳其东南部和叙利亚...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth(《地球物理研究杂志:固体地球》)是由美国地球物理联合会(AGU)主办的旗舰学术期刊,收录于“自然指数”(Nature index),是国际地球物理学界影响力最高的顶尖学术期刊之一。 滑坡动力学团队是四川省青年科技创新研究团队,团队带头人胡伟教授为本研究成果的通讯作者,团队苟怀枭...
图4 东亚活动陆缘白垩纪构造演化简图 成果发表于国际学术期刊JGR-Solid Earth(Wei W, Lin W, Chen Y, Faure M, Ji W, Hou Q, Yan Q, Wang Q. Tectonic controls on magmatic tempo in an active continental margin: Insights ...
JGR-Solid Earth主编亮点论文:通过多源大地测量观测和贝叶斯反演认知地震非平面断层几何 慧天地”关注 近年来,随着空间大地测量技术(如全球导航卫星系统GNSS、干涉合成孔径雷达InSAR)的巨大进步,我们已可以及时、准确地获取破坏性大地震产生的同震地表位移。利用这些测量值,基于预先设定的有限断层几何和最小二乘...
JGR Solid Earth: Linking Chemical Heterogeneity to lithogical Heterogeneity of the Samoan Plume 19 The Samoan mantle plume is thought to host three isotopically (radiogenic) distinct low 3He/4He components including EM2 (enriched mantle 2), dilute HIMU (high μ = 238U/204Pb), and a depleted...
Squyres, one of the editors of the Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth and Planets. This transition is “moving the discipline solidly into the realm of science traditionally covered by JGR,” Squyres said. “My objective as editor for planetology is to assure that JGR is the ...
Papers concerning the full sweep of topics published in JGR-Solid Earth are of interest. The purpose of this note is to solicit topics for these papers and the names of potential authors.Two manuscripts will be solicited for each topic, which will include such topics as the core/mantle ...
研究成果发表于国际权威学术期刊JGR-Solid Earth (何熹,赵连锋*,谢小碧,田小波,姚振兴. Weak crust in Southeast Tibetan Plateaurevealed by Lg-wave attenuation tomography: Implications for crustal materialescape [J]. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2021, 126:e2020JB020748. DOI: 10....