Modi’s performance represents a modern interpretation of the Borscht-belt comedians who came before him. Drawing inspiration from Jackie Mason and Alan King, Modi’s larger-than-life stage presence sends a clear message: be true to your audience and the rest will follow. In this video clip...
who devoted his bookFear and Tremblingto an interpretation of theakedah, aptly presented the terms of this conflict: “The ethical expression of what Abraham did is that he meant to murder Isaac … the religious expression is that he meant...
He is reported to have been a pupil of R. Akiba and to have embodied in his revision the principles of the strictest literal interpretation of the text; certainly his translation is pedantic, and its Greek is uncouth. It strove only to reproduce the text word for word, and for this ...
fanaticism and the acridities of controversy. Then unto Christianity itself may be applied those words of Isaiah: “How has thou fallen from heaven, bright star, which wast so splendid in thy prime!” But the Pentagram, profaned by men, burns ever unclouded in the right hand of the Word o...
For while the Amoraim, through their interpretation of the Mishnah, gave rise to the Talmud, and while the Saboraim definitively edited it, the Geonim's task was to interpret it; for them it became the subject of study and instruction, and they gave religio-legal decisions in agreement ...
Missing from theKuzari,however,are most of the classicaltextsofthe Jewish-Chris-tian debate,such as Genesis1:26 (‘Letusmake man’); Genesis 18 (the three men whovisitAbraham); Genesis49:10(scepter ofJudah);Isaiah7:14 (thealmahwhowill gi vebirth);Jeremiah 31 (new covenant); Psalm 110 ...
I have often pondered the interpretation of the phrase “from the face of the serpent” which is to be found in the twelfth chapter of The Revelation, and in the fourteenth verse. I have witnessed numerous manifestations of the evil one on display over the course of life. But I will ...
Deutero-Isaiah (xl. 16) suggests the utter inadequacy of sacrifices. "To do justice and judgment is more acceptable to Yhwh than sacrifice" is found in I Sam. xv. 22 (Hebr.) as a censure of Saul; and gnomic wisdom is not without similar confession (Prov. xv. 8; xxi. 3, 27; ...
Judaism is not a religion given by one man: Israel's God is not called the God of Moses, or of Isaiah, but of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, that is, of the fathers of the nation, who imparted the deep powers of religious intuition and inspiration to all the seers, singers, and ...
Concerning Ha-Levi's interpretation of the names of God see Names of God.Controverts Fatalism. In discussing the question of God's providential government and man's freedom Ha-Levi first controverts Fatalism; and he does this by showing that even the fatalist believes in possibilities. Human ...