As Jesus reestablished His Church, He brought forth an ancient record that was translated by Joseph Smith. It is known as theBook of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ. It both supports and clarifies the Bible, ensuring that the teachings of Jesus Christ remain pure and correct. You ...
The church remembered this as the occasion when the new covenant was celebrated, a covenant established when Jesus offered up the sacrifice of that body and blood which the church received in this Supper. John’s Gospel has no account of this institution but has a lengthy series of discourses...
By the time the text of the creed was established, Jesus Christ was the usual designation for the Savior. Originally, of course, Jesus had been his given name, meaning “Yahweh saves” or “Yahweh will save” (Matthew 1:21), while Christ was the Greek translation of the title Messiah. ...
In the last verse we read of that which Jesus established--the doing of the will of God. He did that will when He offered the sacrifice of His perfect obedience--"obedience as far as death" (Philippians 2:8). In this will of God which He accomplished lies our sanctification, effected...
Jeremiah reminded us that God had established His covenant with King David, that an eternal Kingdom was coming with a descendant of David ruling forever. When this King comes, salvation and peace shall come. The next two verses even include that there will also be an eternal Priest. ...
...“小群”(The Little Flock)以及“耶稣基督的教会”(Church of Jesus Christ)。|基于4个网页 2. 基督教会|基于4个网页 3. 耶稣基督教会 ... Clymer 克莱默Church of Jesus Christ耶稣基督教会John 约翰 ... ...
Henry Wilson and John Gayner Banks established an American Branch of the Society of the Nazarene. Banks had moved from England as a layman to obtain a doctorate in therapeutic psychology at the University of Missouri. Wilson encouraged Banks to be ordained. After the death however of Wilson in...
The Church wears the “green” day in and day out, in the bloom of summer, in the dead of winter: greening in the watering of His forgiveness by His grace through faith (seeEphesians 2:8). When we forget our baptismal sojourn in the Holy Spirit and His Word the Scriptures, then we...
CHAPTER II. JESUS’ DIVINITY ESTABLISHED was published in The Doctrine of the Atonement in the Theology of Wolfhart Pannenberg on page 24.
years from the birth of Jesus: Anno Domini (which translates as "in the year of the Lord"). This system made the then current year 532, and almost two centuries later it won acceptance and became the established calendar in Western civilization due to its championing by the Venerable Bede....