Which of the two did his father’s will?” They answered, “The first.” Jesus said to them, “Amen, I say to you, tax collectors and prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God before you. Douay-Rheims BibleWhich of the two did the father's will? They say to him: The first. ...
Also astounding is your arrival as an infant, born to peasants, in a stable-cave. How ignoble for the King of kings, the Alpha and Omega who always was and always will be. As Mary and Joseph tried to rest on scratchy straw, did they wonder, “How couldthisbe part of your plan, Lor...
It started when I wanted to write the way Jesus portrayed God in Luke 15. After the wayward son spent his inheritance on wild living, he decides to return home. Verse 20 says the Father ran to the son, embraced him before he could deliver his well-rehearsed speech, and called for a ...
John’s gospel simply says Jesus said, “it is finished,” with no mention of him crying out in a loud voice. Luke quotes the words he cries out in a loud voice: “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit” (Luke 23:46). ...
On the first hornAthanasius finds it “absurd that God, the Father of truth, should appear a liar for our profit and preservation.” Since God issued the law that humans would die if they transgressed He could not just dissolve the sentence. “If humans sentenced to death did not die th...
He restored the damage caused in the period between his father’s death and the approval of the will, restoring two towns, one of which he renamed in honour of the Roman imperial family. SalomeSalome presenting the head of John the Baptist to her mother, Herodias, bronze relief panel by ...
the middle and all his bowels gushed out,” implying that he threw himself down, rather than that he died accidentally.Apocryphalgospels developed the point in Acts that calls the spot of his death the place (field) of blood. The 1st/2nd-centuryApostolic FatherPapiasis quoted to have given...
It’s the Lamb and His Bride; a marriage made in heaven, where God’s Holy people are empowered by the Holy Spirit to do Christ’s bidding for the Father’s glory. Edited to also add: I wrote on the Church of the Nazarene’s need for the middle road in 2021. You can read it...
12Or would you give him a scorpion when he asks for an egg?13As bad as you are, you know how to give good things to your children. How much more, then, will the Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”...
“Whether Jesus is depicted in contemporary artwork and icons as white, black, brown, Hispanic or Middle Eastern, it shouldn’t matter, because Jesus’ physicality was merely a vessel which was used to carry something a lot more important — the spirit of his father;God,”Antony Pinolwrote ...