d) check Jenkins status e) Configure Jenkins with necessary credentials and login to Jenkins f) Add Jenkins to the docker group “sudo usermod -aG docker jenkins” g) Install the following plugins for Jenkins Docker Pipeline Kubernetes Kubernetes Continuous Deploy h) The final step is to use n...
官网:https://plugins.jenkins.io/kubernetes/ 二、配置 image.png image.png 2.1、k8s kubernetes地址:https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local 右下角可以测试连通性.png jenkins地址:http://jenkins:18080(端口是18080,http://jenkins.kubernetes-plugin.svc.cluster.local:18080,kubernetes-plugin为默认的命名...
c) Install Jenkins sudo apt update 1. sudo apt install jenkins 1. d) check Jenkins status e) Configure Jenkins with necessary credentials and login to Jenkins f) Add Jenkins to the docker group “sudo usermod -aG docker jenkins” g) Install the following plugins for Jenki...
jenkins.host.address : (for unit tests) controls the host agents should use to contact Jenkins org.csanchez.jenkins.plugins.kubernetes.PodTemplate.connectionTimeout : The time in seconds to wait before considering the pod scheduling has failed (defaults to 1000) org.csanchez.jenkins.plugins.kubern...
Also,enable loggingfor the class names com.cloudbees.jenkins.GitHubPushTrigger org.jenkinsci.plugins.github.webhook.WebhookManager com.cloudbees.jenkins.GitHubWebHook and you'll see the log of Jenkins trying to install a post-receive hook.
打开Jenkins Plugins 搜索allure 点击AI进入这个插件详情页 点击How to install,然后点击release下在hpi文件 回到Manage Jenkins> Plugins Manager,在Advance中上传该文件,并重启生效 配置全局变量 比如maven,jdk,allure等 点击Manage Jenkins--> Global Tool Configuration ...
1. From your Software Security Center installation directory, navigate to the Core/support/tomcatForSSC/webapps/ssc/WEBINF/internal directory, and then open the serviceContext.xml file in a text editor.2. Add the following block of text to the file:<bean id="jenkinsToken"class="com....
_class='org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.WorkflowRun'> <number>46</number> <url>http://localhost:8080/view/White%20Mountains/job/Full%20Analysis%20-%20Model/46/</url> </owner> <infoMessage>Searching for all files in '/tmp/node1/workspace/Full Analysis - Model' that match the ...
向GitHub提交代码时触发Jenkins自动构建/GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling Github-WebHook出发时构建本job 定期检查代码变更/Poll SCM 使用cron表达式定时检查代码变更,变更后构建本job 触发远程构建/gitlab上改动自动构建 代码改动自动可以使用gitlab的webhook回调钩子调起Jenkins的启动任务接口 ...