新款 JDS Labs Atom Amp 2 和 Atom DAC 2 具有增强的电源、直流保护和设计。JDS Labs Atom Amp 2 采用全金属机箱,经久耐用,美观大方。它包括一个更人性化的旋钮,并具有 4.4 毫米和 6.35 毫米 SE 输出。Amp 2 配备直流保护和立体声八通道缓冲器,功率为 2.6 瓦,是 Atom Amp+ 的 2.5 倍。Atom...
JDS Labs is back at it, and today we examine its most popular line of products. The new Atom DAC+ and Amp+ add handy features and updates both inside and out to make for an excellent, affordable, acoustically transparent source stack that meets the needs
JDS Labs A..很多人玩hifi会遇到预算不够的问题,买了6、7千的耳机但只剩下了2、3千块,应该如何购入DAC和耳放是一大难题,而ATOM的出现就非常好地解决了耳放上的痛点,只要99美元,对,你没看错,只要99美元
比如UD501,本身就是一部日系高素质,清淡无染的DAC,接上Atom之后只会变得更加乏味。但是也有人很喜欢这种性冷淡,高素质,无色透明般的声音(比如STAX的SR-009)。所以在搭配选择上,我更加喜欢用和弦的HUGO作为DAC,虽然解码硬素质略输UD501,但是整体的音乐性却比UD501好上太多,搭配Atom简直完美。 -横向对比,占坑,...
大佬,我之前atom,试了双木三林u8,拓品d50,qa360。感觉差不大,qa360就是声音有点硬,解析差距不大,现在qa360用着。拓品又出了d50s,dx3pro这两个怎么样呢?又想折腾了 2019-08-04 回复喜欢 嗜金水狙 作者 标准的耳放和dac不用怎么折腾,dac的话随便买个smsl 10th就行。主要是界面提升比较大,弄歌诗德...
JDS Labs merits recognition for its value-oriented DACs and amplifiers in the desktop audio community. But did you know they also have a more premium Element line? Today, we examine the Element II, an integrated DAC/amp that aims to be a one-stop shop fo
收atom jds ..收atom jds labs的 要求成色比较好另外有熟悉海淘的人能帮代购jds lab家最新的dac吗D.d
The JDS LABS Atom DAC 2 I paired with the Atom Amp 2 to replace an older Schiit Audio amp and DAC. Hookup was straight forward and the Qobuz app on my PC picked it up right away. Nice piece of equipment, well made and sounds great. I have to note on… ...
Atom DAC is built to pair with the enormously popular JDS Labs Atom Amp, adopting our latest XMOS based USB Audio Class 2 input stage with support for fut…