如果income >100_000 成立, hasHighIncome 返回值为true, 不成立则返回 false 三元运算符: The Ternary Operator intincome=120_000;StringclassName;if(income>100_000)className="First";elseclassName="Economy";System.out.println(className);//First 上面这段代码写得很业务, 专业的程序员会这样写: intincom...
Logical complement operator; inverts the value of a boolean 相等性和关系运算符 == Equal to != Not equal to > Greater than >= Greater than or equal to < Less than <= Less than or equal to 条件运算符 && Conditional-AND || Conditional-OR ?: Ternary (shorthand for if-then-else stateme...
Here, both programs give the same output. However, the use of the ternary operator makes our code more readable and clean. Note: You should only use the ternary operator if the resulting statement is short. Nested Ternary Operators It is also possible to use one ternary operator inside anothe...
440 - Logical OR Operator 06:12 441 - Assignment Operator VS Equals to Operator 07:32 442 - Ternary Operator 04:11 443 - Operator Precedence and Operator Challenge 11:46 444 - First Steps Summary 01:31 445 - End of Remaster 02:02 446 - Introduction_www.post.codevip 00:32 ...
逻辑运算符:Logic Operator View Code 位运算符:Bitwise Operator View Code 三元运算符:Ternary Operator 格式: (布尔表达式) ? 表达式1:表达式2; 布尔值为true,整体是表达式1的值.否则是表达式2的值. View Code 程序流程控制: if分支: 第一种: if(条件表达式){ ...
Java 中文官方教程 2022 版(二) 运算符 原文:docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/operators.html 现在你已经学会了如何声明和初始化变量,你可能想知道如何对其进行操作。学习 Java 编程语言的运算符是一个很好的开始。运算符是执行特定操作的特殊符号,作用于一个、两个或三个操作数,然后返回一个...
2. 案例演示 TernaryOperator.java 分析:b是先赋值再自减,所以result = 99;接着 b 再自减1为98 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 int a=10;int b=99;// 解读// 1. a > b 为 false// 2. 返回 b--, 先返回 b的值,然后在 b-1// 3. 返回的结果是99int result...
【范例6-8】 三元运算符的使用(TernaryOperator6 8.java)。01 public class TernaryOperator6_8 02 { 03 public static void main(String args[]) 04 { 05 int x=10; 06 int y=20; 07 int result=x>y?x:y; 08 System.out.println("1st result="+result); 09 x=50; 10 result=x>y?x:y; ...
There is also a short-hand if else, which is known as the ternary operator because it consists of three operands.It can be used to replace multiple lines of code with a single line, and is most often used to replace simple if else statements:...