作者:Hermann Hesse 书名:Klingsor's Last Summer《克林索的最后一个夏天》 简介:Written over the course of a few weeks in July and August 1919, it was published in December 1919 in the Deutsche Rundschau. It was later published (by Samuel Fischer) in a volume which included Kinderseele and Kle...
书名:The Nightwatchman's Occurrence Book: And Other Comic Inventions 英文简介:V. S. Naipaul’s legendary command of broad comedy and acute social observation is on abundant display in these classic works of fiction–two novels and a collection of stories–that capture the rhythms of life in th...
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Instagram:https://go.volleyball.world/Instagram?ytv=d Facebook:https://go.volleyball.world/Facebook?ytv=d Twitter:https://go.volleyball.world/Twitter?ytv=d 顯示更多 分類目錄 CHART WEEKLY TOP OF THE POP WEEKLY TOP OF THE K-POP ALBUM ...
The Activity Book is designed to give pupils further practice of the new language and to help them consolidate their learning. Spanish handwriting font serves as a model for writing throughout the levels. For this updated edition, exam practice pages have been ...
作者;Annie Ernaux 书名:A Man's Place《一个男人的位置》 简介:A Man's Place recounts the story of a daughter coming to terms with her formative years as she writes an unflinching portrait of her father's life and death. A companion piece to Ernaux's powerful A Woman's Story. ...
作者:Joyce Carol Oates 书名:The Gravedigger's Daughter《掘墓人的女儿》 英文简介:From one of the greatest literary forces of our time, an intensely realized, masterful epic of a young woman's struggle for identity and survival in post - World War II America. ...
作者:Richard Powers 书名:Prisoner's Dilemma《囚犯困境》 简介:Something is wrong with Eddie Hobson Sr., father of four, sometime history teacher, quiz master, black humorist and virtuoso invalid. His recurring fainting spells have worsened, and with his ingrained aversion to doctors, his worried ...
作者:Pete Dexter 书名:God's Pocket《上帝的口袋》 英文简介:In this striking debut from the author of the National Book Award winner Paris Trout, Pete Dexter chronicles a murder and its consequences in the fictional blue-collar Philadelphia neighborhood of God’s Pocket. ...
书名:The Executioner's Song《刽子手之歌》 英文简介:In what is arguably his greatest work, America's most heroically ambitious writer follows the short, blighted career of Gary Gilmore, an intractably violent product of America's prisons who became notorious for two reasons: first, for robbing ...