今天安装了IXEG 737,想按照飞友翻译的教程1(就是从KSAN到KLAX)所讲的飞一趟,结果进入游戏在开始...
Create an account or sign in to download this File Information Views3,564 Downloads175 SubmittedMay 24, 2018 PublishedJune 15, 2018 UpdatedJune 15, 2018 File Size22.39 MB X-Plane Version(s) X-Plane 11 Livery For http://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-ixeg-737-...
The famous group IXEG, makers of the popular 737 Classic for older versions of X-Plane, shared several preview screenshots of their 737 Classic being remade now for X-Plane 12. Among these shots, most of them show the passengers cabin and galley, but also the exterior body near the nose ...
I have the same Problem also x-plane 12.0.8b1 On 11/11/2023 at 6:04 PM, manguras said: Testing V1.5.2 I have not preference preset menu, load GUI pop up appearing in sim. I'm using x-plane 12.0.8b1 Quote Cameron X-Aviation 9.9k Author Po...
X-PLANE12.08 IXEG 737 CLASSIC 1.5.2 上海虹桥36R落地 3262023-11-16 00:38 X-PLANE12.08 IXEG 737 CLASSIC 1.5.2 上海虹桥36R落地,接地载荷1.21G,下沉率 -157 ft./m 2 收藏 手机看 分享 举报 娱乐天空 进入直播间关注383 评论(0) 请先登录后发表评论 表情 发送 暂时没有评论哦~...
游戏效果图片: 内饰图: 历史参考图片: 下一个涂装预告(可能会做的?): 转载地址: IXEG B737-300 第一代海南航空(海南省航空公司)仿真自制涂装-X-Plane-飞行宝 (fsx.org.cn)
For those that purchase the IXEG 737 Classic from today forward, your purchased download will already be updated to version 1.3 for you. It is for X-Plane 11. If you use X-Plane 10, you can still install an old version of the aircraft from the installer, but this update ...
Captains, It's with a lot of excitement and appreciated patience that we are ready to announce what's to come for IXEG's future! The team chose to let the dust settle a bit and not have too wide of a moving target in the early days of X-Plane 12 so as to