IXEG 波音 737 Classic Plus 将于 9 月 15 日星期五发布 X-Plane 12 IXEG 最近宣布了适用于 X-Plane 12 的波音 737 Classic Plus 的发布日期,增加了完全兼容性、新功能并为未来的改进奠定了基础。 波音737 Classic Plus 版本将带来代码优化、机翼弯曲、精确的发动机性能、完全 3D 建模的客舱、打开客舱门和运...
X-PLANE12.08 IXEG 737 CLASSIC 1.5.2 上海虹桥36R落地,视频播放量326,点赞量2,收藏量0,转发人数0,订阅量383,娱乐天空,X-PLANE12.08 IXEG 737 CLASSIC 1.5.2 上海虹桥36R落地,接地载荷1.21G,下沉率 -157 ft./m,我话都说到这份上了,还不能把她哄进团队啊兄弟们! #楚河
I will probably pay the $15 to upgrade my 737 but that is not honoring the promise, only partially. I understand the reason but will have to consider if I will be upgrading any of my X-Aviation aicraft for X Plane 12. It's either the viable path, or no path. We chos...
【X-Plane 10】前无古人后无来者——IXEG 737Classic 北欧式的简单 6551 114 103:45 Summer 金龙 X-plane11 IXEG733教程(落地稍微都点失控) Ricardo啊坤 956 1 3:37 IXEG 737 Classic RechercheMusic 532 -- 102:11 IXEG 737 Classic Plus - With IXEG Dev Lead Tom Kyler BayMax2625 328 -- 4:19...
All customers who have purchased the IXEG 737 Classic up till now have been sent an e-mail by X-Aviation with complete instructions on how to obtain your update. We have made this a very simple process! For those that purchase the IXEG 737 Classic from today forward, your pur...
Simulator: X-Plane 12. Not compatible with X-Plane 11. Operating Systems: MacOS 12+ Rosetta Enabled (at least Monterey) or Windows 10+ Recommended: Modern CPU with 4+ Cores (3 GHz+), 16+ GB RAM, NVIDIA or AMD with 4+ GB VRAM. ...
This product is intended to only be used with theIXEG 737 Classic iGoDispatch Boeing-733 is a desktop application developed for the X-Plane Boeing-737-300 airplane model designed by IXEG. iGoDispatch helps you create a flight plan; estimate the required amount of fuel; load the plane with ...
IXEG 737-300 Engine fire (Part 2) 上传者:jayhou2009 06:05 IXEG 737-300 Engine fire 上传者:jayhou2009 14:20 IXEG 737 Classic Takeoff - Developmental Testing 上传者:jayhou2009 02:00 IXEG dual CDU operation example. 上传者:jayhou2009 ...
The famous group IXEG, makers of the popular 737 Classic for older versions of X-Plane, shared several preview screenshots of their 737 Classic being remade now for X-Plane 12. Among these shots, most of them show the passengers cabin and galley, but also the exterior body near the nose ...
Captains, Mark your calendars! This Friday, September 15th, we're releasing the IXEG 737 Classic Plus! This is a next era re-brand for what the IXEG 737 Classic has become after many months of labor. The primary goal in this endeavor was to bring full X-