draw $ draw ruby ~/Code/scratch/inline.rb ~/Pictures/dice.png screen_carriage_return screen_linefeed OSC sequence too long, truncating. Unknown OSC code: 1337 draw DkhXhsLqMk/uAxCSS4AWS4ExZuzORYD/7vV6DFf1sItRjsqBVr0ejXodWswkdpXbsqrgRW5ffgteuug1bb/8y3rj/v9G47il439w5Ee7ufmjY673zcG...
Sheet1 ACRONYM Full English description Chinese description A/D analog to digital 模拟/数字 AA auto answer (调制解调器的)自动应答 AAC advanced audio coding 高级编码技术 AAL ATM adaption layer ATM适配层 ABC American broadcasting company 美国广播公司 ABC automatic brightness control 自动亮度控制 ABIT ...
Having known what it's like to be impunily. He is immortal, he is god. es~errcc. thtigod refuses to be human. The Poisoned Kiss is presided over Portugal, Oates says, is acotmhy she hasn't seen and the stories. she says, by a wooden statue of the Virgin Mary are too abstract...
A functional argument for the role of nux in maintaining the "essential unilY" of Mbuli bands suffers from all of the mclhodological problems in herent in such arguments (Collins 1964; Hcmpel 1965). Specifically, no at tempt has been made by Turnbull to examine, through the ...
Thus, the average delay for the N packets is: (L/R + 2L/R + ... + (N-1)L/R)/N = L/(RN) * (1 + 2 + ... + (N-1)) = L/(RN) * N(N-1)/2 = LN(N-1)/(2RN) = (N-1)L/(2R) Note that here we used the well-known fact: 1 + 2 + ... + N = N(...
2 Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences, REVAL, Hasselt University (UHasselt), 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium 3 DAHFMO Unit of Histology and Medical Embryology, Sapienza University of Rome, 00161 Rome, Italy; luca.madaro@uniroma1.it (L.M.); biliana.lozanoska-ochser@uniroma1.it (...
356 NOISE SENSI1MTY O F BOOLEAN FUNCTIONS AND APPLICATIONS "ID PERCOLATION II if Theorem 1.9. -- Let '~m C n.., be a sequence asympwtical(y notse sensitive ifffar etlery finite k ojevents, and set ~ = X.-tm. Then {. A m} (1.6) limL::{i.(S)' , S C in), I ~ lSI...
It ensures that the ET-weighted distribution, averaged over all events in a given centrality interval, is uni- form in φ. The flow vectors qn(η) and qn(ηref ) are further corrected by an event-averaged offset: qn − qn evts [8]. The flow vectors obtained after these reweighting ...
i;nfgordLaOtaA=-3B)ase64URLHelper.encode (data);) Encodes the 1-byate array wiFthalBsease64URL (e.g., String data = Base64URLHelper.encode (data);) In order for the FIDO client to invoke CAMFA, we define the activity implicit intent of CAMFA asFasihl_oiwf_nuniknnoFwignure B7o....
To illustrate, prolongation of the action potential can result from inhibition of one or more of the outward K+ currents, decreased inactivation of the inward Na+ or Ca2+ currents, increased activation of the Ca2+ current, alteration of potassium channel trafficking or disruptions in protein ...