Lao She Teahouse gives a warm welcome to everyone from all over the world. 老舍茶馆热情地欢迎来自世界各地的人们。 give a … welcome意为“… …地欢迎”。 例如: Beijing gives a warmwelcometo people from all over the world. 北京热情地欢迎来自世界各地的人们。 Jim gave her a cold welcome.吉...
It’s not too cold during winter and not too hot during summer. The sky is blue, the air is fresh, birds sing in the garden. People who live in Sydney seem to have an easy life style. They will tell you, “Don’t worry .”...
The cold winter passes,making way for is impossible not to see every little flower by the wayside blooming the warmsunmanages to transmit some of their pleasantness to the inside of a bus or train. Now,wouldn't it be perfect if we had public transport worth the name in all our cities?
One came back crying, one cold dawn。 I told a lie, she made a truth。 It's nota crime it's justwhat we do。 All the tim单亲粮厂边示es you'd think tha参胶赵法春种t I was holding back。 Did you think I was just running from what Ican't have。