Hi, i installed mysqlrouter community 8.0.13 on an ubuntu 18.10 and it's working but i don't get anything writed to the log file. I thought that it was related to apparmor, but even disabling it, it doesn't work. Any help would be great. This is my configuration file ---...
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阅读理解 HOW DO YOU GET TO WORK Sam Jones Salesclerk I usually walk to work.The exercise is good for me and I’ve got time to think about things.Of course on rainy days or cold ones walking isn’t as nice b
Hi, I'm trying to set up MySQL 5.0.13 on my Windows XP system using Apache 2.0.55 server and PHP 5.0.5. I configured PHP to work with Apache, but it doesn't seem to detect MySQL. When I access the phpinfo.php page MySQL isn't in the list, and when I open phpMyAdmin, it ...