regional organizations (South African Development Community, Common Market of Eastern and Southern Africa, African Union, Indian Ocean Rim Association), the backbone of the Southwest Indian Ocean islands' regionalism is the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC; in French: Commission de l'oc茅an Indien, COI...
Socotra, a small group of islands in the Indian Ocean, lies about 240 kilometers east of the Horn of Africa and 380 kilometers south of the Arabian Peninsula. Because it is far from other places in the world, Socotra has developed its own special ecosystem (生态系统) free from any outsi...
1.The Maldives are islands in the Indian Ocean./ The islands are near Sri Lanka./ The Maldives are famous for their good climate, beautiful beaches and warm seas.2.There are 440, 000 people in the Maldives. Most people live on small islands.3.The capital of the Maldives is Male. It ...
The islands of the Indian Ocean are a varied collection, including many of the smallest territories and one of the largest island nations. Many hug the coastlines of continents; others must be sought out hundreds of miles from any other land....
aThe Republic of Mauritius is an island nation in the Indian Ocean south-west, about 900 km east of Madagascar, considered part of the African continent. In addition to the main island, the republic includes the islands of St. Brandon, Rodrigues and the Agalega Islands. A popular destination...
Women in wage-labourin Swaziland: a focus on agriculture.South African labour bulletin (Durban),7, 6, Apr. 1982, ll*0-l66, tables.PEASANTS; WOMEN; LABOURSee also: Economic cooperation 1677 32307; Migrant Labour 2491. See alsoSOUTHERN AFRICAINDIAN OCEAN ISLANDS2U95 Ly-Tio-Fane Pineo, Hugue...
Socotra, a small group of islands in the Indian Ocean, is one of the most isolated() places on Earth. It is located some 240 kilometers east of the Horn of Afric a and380 kilometers south of the Arabian Peninsula.So why visit Socotra? Because of Socotra's isolation from the rest of...
Socotra, a small group of islands in the Indian Ocean, lies 12. What results in the special ecosystem of about 240 kilometers east of the Horn of Afric a and 380 Socotra? c kilometers south of the Arabian Peninsula. A. Biologists' effort.Because it is far from other places in the wor...
Indian Ocean Islands Introduction Some Indian Ocean islands are described in other chapters:MadagascarSri LankaandIndonesiawhile subantarctic islands south of 50°S are described inAntarctic Coast. The islands of the Indian Ocean (Fig.18.2.1) fall into three major groups: the numerous archipelagoes ...
Paradise in Tatters: An Analysis of the Vulnerability of the Tourism Community of Khao Lak, Thailand, to the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami "The tourism community of Khao Lak, on the Thai Andaman Coast was devastated on 26December 2004 by the largest tsunami in recorded history. Thousands of lo....