最近在百度上偶然发现了一个叫Island Spa的地方,决定周末去NJ放松一下。以下是我整理的一些攻略,希望对大家有帮助! 泡汤体验 🛀 泡汤的地方是不允许带手机的,所以没有照片哦。这里需要全裸泡汤,汤池有三个,还有一个是热池。泡汤的地方还有一个桑拿房。需要注意的是,搓澡和按摩是需要额外收费的。 休息区 🛌 ...
萨巴岛的诺西萨巴私人岛屿 SPA 酒店位于海边。 不妨享受按摩、身体护理和面部护理,放松一下身心。如果天气晴好、阳光明媚,打一场高尔夫或者在私家海滩度过一天是两个理想选择。此酒店还提供免费 WiFi、礼宾服务和免费保姆服务。 酒店设有 2 间餐厅,您可以选择一家简单吃一点,也可以待在房间里,享受深夜客房送餐服务。
The Enoshima Island Spa establishes itself as the premier luxury spa in the Tokyo area, but let’s not forget that Enospa also provides a fun and lighthearted family outing opportunity. The heated pools are perfect to relax on a sunny day, and the food options at Enospa are various to ca...
Relieve pain & stress at Long Island Massage & Spa. Expert massage therapy for relaxation & wellness on Long Island. Book your session today!
您可抽空慰劳一下自己,享受一下全方位服务的 SPA。在2 个室外游泳池中充分放松后,可以到私家海滩徜徉片刻。此度假村还提供礼品店/报摊、美发沙龙和婚庆服务。 度假村设有多家餐饮设施,包括 3 间餐厅和咖啡馆。您可以任选一家,简单吃一点。欢迎光临酒吧/酒廊或池畔酒吧,点一杯喜欢的饮品,放松一下。 特色服务/...
Located in one of the best islands in the world, Princesa Garden Island Resort and Spa is a 4-hectare oceanfront property positioned approximately 10-minutes away from the Puerto Princesa Palawan International Airport. The resort features 78 luxurious gu
Yasawa Island Resort & Spa is an all-inclusive luxury resort in Fiji. Escape daily and escape to Fiji to enjoy privacy and peace and quiet at our beautiful resort.
The Road to Recovery Dear Friends, as you may know, Palm Island Resort & Spa suffered serious damage as a result of Hurricane Beryl. We regret to inform you that Palm Island will be closed for an extended period of time to assess the damage and begin the rebuilding process. ...
Meeru Island Resort Spa 蜜露岛风景优美,岛上珍珠般晶莹的沙滩映着美丽的海景,让人心情阳光明媚,是新婚度蜜月和旅游的好地方。20世纪50年代中期,法国有100对男女青年曾在此举行集体婚礼,他们久慕马约略岛迷人的景色,相约到这里一起欢度蜜月。事后,欧洲许多新婚青年都视此地为美好的去处。久而久之,该岛便被人称...
Pasang Spa is the place to relax at Gangga Island Resort & Spa - the best activity after diving in Manado. Contact us for more information or your diving packages.