巴基斯坦是阿塔的主要支持者,最不希望阿塔掌权的是美国、阿富汗傀儡政府、ISIS、还有印度。 曾经衰落又重新开张的恐怖组织“巴基斯坦塔利班”(Tehrik-e-Taliban-Pakistan,TTP)就与ISIS有关联(它们许多成员是重叠的),印度情报机构(RAW)和阿富汗国家安全局(NDS)则是他们的支持者,而幕后最大的支持者却在华盛顿。否则,如何...
ISLAMABAD, March 8 (Xinhua) -- An arrested militant of proscribed militant organization Islamic State ofIraqandSyria(ISIS) confessed to investigation teams inPakistan's Karachi that he trapped young, educated girls through social media and brainwashed them to join the group, local reports said Thurs...
ISLAMABAD, March 8 (Xinhua) -- An arrested militant of proscribed militant organization Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) confessed to investigation teams in Pakistan's Karachi that he trapped young, educated girls through social media and brainwashed them to join the group, local reports ...
During the past five months Al-Salafi also visited Pakistan's northwestern tribal areas that border Afghanistan and met with Pakistani Taliban terrorists, the official said. "If he had been free, he might have launched some big attacks in Lahore and other cities," the official said. A local ...
"The president said to these families at Arlington we are going to get this guy. We shared the intelligence with Pakistan and hes rolled up and he will be tried in a U.S. court," Waltz said. Attorney General Pamela Bondi added Wednesday that "Under President Trumps strong leadership on ...
successes it had achieved in the fight against terrorism through kinetic actions as well as implementation of the major anti-terrorism strategy known as National Action Plan on counter-terrorism, the statement said, adding the plan had resulted in significant improvement of Pakistan's security ...
The US invades Afghanistan and bin Laden flees to Pakistan. 事后美国入侵阿富汗,本拉登逃往巴基斯坦 Zarqawi, still obscure, flees to a remote and lawless corner of Iraq. 彼时仍籍籍无名的扎卡维则逃到了伊拉克一个山高皇帝远的角落 Two years later, the US does something that will transform the Mi...
An affiliate of ISIS, the group that spread into northern Iraq from Syria six years ago and once controlled territory roughly the size of Britain, ISIS-K first emerged in Pakistan around the same time, in 2015. Its members have come from other Pakistani militant groups, including disillusioned...
in a 2011 list oflist of most-wanted insurgents. “Arrested and sent to Guantanamo soon after the Taliban’s collapse, he was released in late 2007, having convinced his jailers that he wanted only to go home and tend his farm. Escaping from house arrest in Kabul, he fled to Pakistan....
It reveals how a shadowy figure, known to the detainees as “Rustam,” directs plots in the West – and training for them – from the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. The indictment says: “Rustam/Rüstem (K) is the Tajik who is the current head of the ISKP Foreign Operations unit....