and launches terror attacks abroad. 不仅如此,他们还在海外发动了多次恐怖袭击 To understand ISIS, it helps to tell the story of its rise. 要想了解ISIS这一组织,我们有必要了解它逐步壮大的过程 That story begins far away and many years before the group existed. 故事还得从多年前说起,那时这一组织...
作者迈克尔·威斯(Michael Weiss)和哈桑·哈桑(Hassan Hassan)在他们的著作《ISIS:恐怖之师揭秘》(ISIS: Inside the Army of Terror)一书中引用当时在伊拉克担任指挥官的少将道格拉斯·斯通(Douglas Stone)的话说:“如果你想打造一支军队,监狱是最完美的场所。我们为他们提供了健康医疗,口腔卫生服务,给他们吃的,最重...
Rise of ISIS gives a better understanding of the modern face of terror,andprovides an overview of the laws of war and war crimes. These laws differentiate between the guilty and innocent, and explain why the US military and the Israeli Defense Forces are often limited in their defensive measur...
The rise, fall and reemergence of the Islamic State terror group ABC News’ Martha Raddatz reports on the resurgence of the militants on “This Week.” 1 year ago Former top general warns of 'inevitable' threats to US from ISIS after Moscow attack ISIS has a "strong desire" to attack th...
The rise, fall and reemergence of the Islamic State terror group ABC News’ Martha Raddatz reports on the resurgence of the militants on “This Week.” 1 year ago Former top general warns of 'inevitable' threats to US from ISIS after Moscow attack ...
实际上,近年来已有多本研究ISIS的书籍问世,比如今年2月的《ISIS:恐怖武装内幕》(ISIS: Inside the Army of Terror)甫一出版就登上《纽约时报》畅销书榜,而今年9月在美国出版的《黑旗:ISIS的崛起》(Black Flags: The Rise of ISIS)则是最新一部关于ISIS问题的专著。
ISIS ON THE RISE? Suspected Terrorists With ISIS Ties Arrested in Multi-City Sting Operation; Report Terrorists are crossing the southern border... According to a report from The New York Post, ICE... 6.12.24 Opinion 'ISIS IS BACK': GOP Rep. Pens Op-Ed Warning of Resurgence of Deadly ...
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images(CNN) - The FBI has seen a significant rise in the number of white supremacist domestic terrorism cases in recent months, a senior FBI counterterrorism official said Thursday. The domestic terror cases generally include suspects involved in violence related to anti-gover...
The rise of the terrorist network in Afghanistan following the U.S. withdrawal has sparked new fears about its ability to carry out attacks against American interests there and elsewhere.
The husband-and-wife team haddeveloped extremist viewsas early as 2013, a time that predates the rise of ISIS, FBI Director Comey has said. And Farook tried to contact other terrorist groups, a senior law enforcement official said.