Tuesdayisacloudyday.人们以日耳曼神话中的战神提尔(Tyr)来命名这一天,称为 星期Ty二r’是s多da云y(提的尔一之日天)。,后来演变成现代英语单词Tuesday(星 期二)星期三“Wednesday”来源于日耳曼神话的主神Woden沃登。Wednesday 他是阿萨神族的至高神,是诸神之父,世界的统治者。他曾以一人之力冒险闯入冥界,...
So I'm a day late again, which is something that's probably going to happen semi-regularly from now on. I always tell myself I'm going to get my write-ups done early each week, but I never do, and by the time Friday rolls around, I'm burnt out from work and the last thing ...