We therefore immunized a cohort of Smarca4+/+ and Smarca4+/− littermates with sheep red blood cells (SRBCs) to drive GC development. Ten days after immunization, at the peak of the GC reaction, we observed a highly significant increase in GC B cell frequency in Smarca4+/− mice ...
This shows that genes in this region, in addition, control antibody responses to CII, which constitute a major part of the CIA pathogenesis [36]. Tbx3 and Tbx5 are candidate genes in the Eae39r2 locus Sanger sequencing of documented SNPs from mouse genome databases, in and around the Ea...
The slight (if any) increase of GPC in silenced cells is in agreement with a similar observation previously reported for ChoK-alpha depleted MD-MBA-231 breast cancer cells (Glunde et al, 2005) and it could be due to lipases' activation, associated with neutral lipid accumulation particularly ...
toasnuodldf adapiteotetpantruoytaitlcuetsheigeonpliaantlioontngoxpHiacgtiCthywl2ianiyndduasucewcdeedlblycahsaacpnuogtteeesHnitgniaCpllmr2opeioncihfslaaonmniismnmga.stTofooryralfduadtcertoeolsrissn,t-htmhiseepdarinaottbieoldexmpidr,aownteetcditnieovfenensatsigegaasitnyessd-t HgCl2-induced ...
Although Al is nontoxic as a metal, with very low solubility in the neutral pH range (6.0–8.0), its solubility increases and becomes toxic to all living cells under acidic or alkaline pH conditions where is present mainly in the ionic form of Al3+ species (at pH < 5.5) or as ...