Kohl (n.) A mixture of soot and other ingredients, used by Egyptian and other Eastern women to darken the edges of the eyelids. Kohl-rabies (pl. ) of Kohl-rabi Kohl-rabi (n.) A variety of cabbage, in which the edible part is a large, turnip-shaped swelling of the stem, above th...
Ketchup is a non- Newtonian fluid. Define a Newtonian fluid and a non-Newtonian fluid and explain why shaking a ketchup bottle helps it to flow and how Which is stronger: an H bond between pure alcohol and water or a solution of water and alcohol? What are the strength of intermolecular...
Once thick, remove from heat and cool completely by setting pot in a slightly larger pan of cold water, or a sink with cold water. While it's cooling, in a medium bowl, mix together everything else. Add the cooled flour mixture to the bowl and stir together until no lumps, let cool...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux