George Will
hitler/trump — not just a cheap shot Posted on June 18, 2024 6 A couple of years ago, when I was dodging the work I should have been doing, I decided to research the authenticity of a quotation that frequently appeared online. I’d seen it attributed to both Hitler and Joseph Goe...
including London's 'The Times' newspaper. A mention of this strange event was also made in a book I have, written by Albert Speer, Hitler's Armaments Minister. Speer wrote that some time prior the invasion of Poland he was with Hitler at his...
he asked us to raise our arms heavenward to receive the blessing of god, whereupon 80 people stood on that beach making what a bystander could only interpret as the heil Hitler sign.
Biden is trying to be the HITLER that they said Trump was… Chip Reply Earth Angel 09/01/2022 • Great point Chip- the current administration is a complete and illegitimate fraud- proven by mountains of evidence continuously denied by lying propaganda mainstream media. However, the lies ...