BECAUSE IT'S NEVER TOO LATE... "Never let your memories be greater than your dreams." ~Doug Ivester "It is never too late to be what you might have been." ~George Eliot ~David France Mundo (AKA myself :p)
Have you ever wanted to watch a movie starring a young George Clooney as a drug dealer who needs to save his friend from their angry supplier — and turns to a ponytail-sporting, AK-toting old surfer (Simmons) for help? Probably not, but 'Red Surf' still exists. 'Detroit Rock City' ...
George Clooney's career kicked off after starring as Dr. Doug Ross in the medical drama "E.R." The beloved character was also central to one of the series' most confounding plot holes. In Season 1, Ross reveals to a nurse that he had a son before the twin daughters he eventually has...