2022.03.01: - ANA titer1, 1:320(参考值<1:100),【超标】 - LA1,LA2,都正常 2023.04 深圳港大医院: - ANA 1:100,正常但贴着参考线 2024.06.14: - Drvvt base assay 正常 - LA is present 【阳性】 - ANA <1:20,正常 2024.06.21: - 验血指标显示 LA is present【阳性】, - 开了药...
246 High titer ana with anti-dfs70 alone is not to be considered a valid criterion for lupusAt the 12th International Workshop on Autoantibodies and Autoimmunity (IWAA), organized in August 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil, more than 300 autoimmunologists gathered to discuss the status of many ...
A positive result was defined by an APCA titer 1:80 or higher [33,34]. 2.4. Radiographic and histopathological data analysis High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) scans were reviewed and scored in a standardized manner by a thoracic radiologist with an extensive expertise in interstitial ...
Dubey and Hamir (2000) reported producing a high-titer S. neurona-specific serum in a rabbit using cultured merozoites; then, using that serum’s specificity, they were able to confirm S. neurona infections in two raccoons, two minks, two skunks, and a cat. They also mentioned that othe...
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The pathway analysis also identified multiple genes with pemrametostat-induced IR that are involved in DNA replication (e.g., ANAPC7, CDC45, GINS1, LIG1, MCM4, ORC2, POLD2, POLD3, POLE, RFC3, etc.) (Fig. 5G, H). The majority of these genes had minor changes in gene expressio...
Rastetter, Mt~nchen Referat 13 Zytostatische Therapie der Non-Hodgkin-Lymphome-lowgrade A. Stacher, Wien Referat 14 Zytostatische Therapie der Non-Hodgkin-Lymphome-high grade G. Brittinger, Essen Hamatologen-Kongrel5 1980 Referat 15 Zytostatische Therapie der Lymphogranulomatose V. Diehl, Hannover...
The 6 μl virus of at titer of 1012 TU/ml was injected into the sciatic nerve via the epineurium or 10 μl virus at titer of 1012 TU/ml was intrathecally injected into the spinal cord with a micro-syringe as described before [20, 51]. Establishment of an in vivo model of re-...
In short, adenovirus was injected into the iBAT of control and Fam210aiAKO mice at a viral titer of 3 ×1011 particles per mouse. Sixty microliters of adenovirus at a dose of 2.5 ×1012 particles per ml were injected into each iBAT lobe. O-phe was prepared in saline at a con- ...