I’ll start off by saying the HK VP9 is probably a larger gun than most people will consider in concealed carry. Especially with guns on the market like the Glock 43, Sig P365, and Springfield Armory Hellcat, which have decent size capacities while remaining in a very compact or micro ...
Compost:This is for everyone reading this on the ground and for those visiting who can convince their friends what a big, immediate impact this can have for us here. A typical Cuban home generates about 75% organic waste, 100% of which goes into dumpsters, improvised garbage piles and land...
At present, there are a number of quality police trade-ins in .40 S&W at a bargain. It isn’t unusual to see GLOCK pistols — and sometimes the SIG P-series — on the used shelf for less than 400 dollars. In new handguns, theTaurus G2C, an improved version of the original compact...
This was different. This was the entire island for days. Some longer, some shorter (and as I write this, some places are still without). Every single electronic apparatus ground to a halt, lost its charge or waited for a generator to kick in. For days in Havana, no water was being p...
Talk to my Glock. Black dad in a community of Karens? Meet my assault rifle. Or maybe I’m just a little more pissed off and alienated than usual today, so I’ll strafe a school. It’s an environment and culture that accepts children wearing t-shirts advocating murder for political-ph...