Craig, Mark
【定位】第三段First of all, students lack the desire to learn, and they simply complete their assignments to receive credit for a passing grade rather than genuinely engage with the course material. 47. What does the author think of online course...
D) So, despite all the talk about drone (无人机) deliveries to your doorstep, all the retail executives expressing anxiety over consumers going online, and even a Presidential candidate exclaiming that Amazon has a "huge antitrust problem," the Census data suggest that physical retail is thriv...
First of all, students lack the desire to learn, and they simply complete their assignments to receive credit for a passing grade rather than genuinely engage with the course material. As online courses tend to have more than 100 students, most of the assignments are short and simple. They a...
· 01 写作部分(共3套) 第1篇 To improve the students’learning atmosphere and facilitate their studies, as a college student from this university, I propose that the university and library staff …
D 14. A 15. C 16. A 17. B 18. A 19. A 20. B 21. A 22. B 23. D 24. D 25. D 26. C 27. A 28. C 29. B 30. C 31. B 32. C 33. A 34. D 35. B 36. C 37. A 38. D 39. A 40. B 41. B 42. C 43. B 44. D 45. C 46. A 47. B 48. C 49....
The law of overlearning explains why cramming (突击学习) for an examination, though it may result in a passing grade, is not a satisfactory way to learn a college course. By cramming, a student may learn the subject well enough to get by on the examination, but he is likely soon to ...
This is a great way to enhance your college application. Please note: You need to attend every class entirely to receive a passing grade of AR.(在课程结束时,您将收到导师的书面评估,以及哈佛成绩单,成绩为AR或NM(“满足所有要求”或“不满足要求”)。这是一个提高你的大学申请的好方法。请注意:...
gradelevel,theywon?thavetheknowledgetochoosethecorrectspellingamongtheoptionsgiven 高中英语 选择性必修 第二册 第31页 31 bythecomputer.” ( )5.Whatmakeswritingbyhandathingofthepast? A.Theabsenceofablackboardintheclassroom. B.Theuseofnewtechnologiesinteaching. C.Thelackofpracticeinhandwriting. D.The...
there are several ways to help you get at least a passing grade. You may have a try. ◆Get yourself together. This might sound like silly advice, but it's actually the most important. When you fear, you may lose control over your thoughts and actions Even if you try to study, perhap...