NCERT solutions for CBSE and other state boards is a key requirement for students. Doubtnut helps with homework, doubts and solutions to all the questions. It has helped students get under AIR 100 in NEET & IIT JEE. Get PDF and video solutions of IIT-JEE Mains & Advanced previous year pap...
sulphuric acid, iron salt structure CAS No. 10124-49-9 Chemical Name: sulphuric acid, iron salt Synonyms Einecs 233-336-3;Sulfuric acid, iron salt;sulphuric acid, iron salt;Sulfuric acid, iron salt (1:) CBNumber: CB2920425 Molecular Formula: ...
A simple method was presented to produce a micro-droplet of sulphuric acid on a pre-selected micro-zone on a pure iron surface with the tip of an AFM cantilever. The three-dimensional shape of the droplet was imaged with the AC non-contact mode of the AFM, and the liquid/solid interface...
A simple method was presented to produce a micro-droplet of sulphuric acid on a pre-selected micro-zone on a pure iron surface with the tip of an AFM cantilever. The three-dimensional shape of the droplet was imaged with the AC non-contact mode of the AFM, and the liquid/...
Spontaneous oscillations have been found by us in the potential value (vs. a saturated calomel electrode) of an iron electrode in bromate/sulphuric acid media in open electric circuit conditions. We ascribe them to a spontaneous alternance of corrosion and passivation states. Both bromate and H +...
The dissolution of low iron sphalerite, nominally ZnS but also containing 0.08% Fe and trace amounts of Cd and Mn, in ferric sulphate-sulphuric acid media was investigated using closely sized fractions of crushed sphalerite crystals and sintered disks made from the crushed crystals. Linear kinetics...
The combination of the flow injection and the partially-closed electrode has been used to study the effects of SO2-4,Cl-and C5H7O5COO-on the anodic dissolution processes of iron in sulphuric acid solution.The solutions containing the respective anions are injected into the vicinity of the part...
Gebert, Effect of high gradient magnetic fields on the anodic behavior and localized corrosion of iron in sulphuric acid so- lutions, Corros. Sci., 53(2011), p. 3222.R. Sueptitz, K. Tschulik, M. Uhlemann, L. Schultz, A. Gebert, Effect of high gradient magnetic fields on the ...
It is shown that the iron content in zinc silicate concentrates with either high (8–11%) or low (3%) iron does not significantly affect the kinetics or overall recovery of zinc extraction in sulphuric acid. Most of the iron was present as hematite and franklinite with little iron contained...