iRobot对Roomba的品牌营销在国外是非常成功的。笔者在澳村读书生活了多年,见证iRobot的影响力,Roomba在国外几乎已经成了扫地机器人的代名词。Google trends (2020年)显示,搜索关键词『Roomba』 和 关键词『Robot Vacuum』的比例是8比1,足见其影响力之深大。 除了其先发优势和营销之外,最被iRobot引以为傲的就是专利...
美国亚马逊 iRobot Roomba 980 Vacuum Cleaning Robot + 2 Dual Mode Virtual Wall Barriers (With Batteries) + 4 Extra Side Brushes + Extra HEPA Filter + More: Home & Kitchen历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名iRobot Roomba 980 Vacuum Cleaning Robot + 2 Dual Mode
iRobot 智能扫地机器人 Roomba980 吸尘器 添加 iRobot Roomba 旗舰级980吸尘清洁智能机器人 美国亚马逊6216.13元867.00美元刚刚 iROBOT ロボットクリーナー ルンバ980 ダスク R980060 日本亚马逊5714.4元120000.00日元刚刚 iRobot Roomba 980 Vacuum Cleaning Robot + 2 Dual Mode Virtual Wall Barriers (With ...
Roomba® robot vacuums combine powerful performance with powerful pick up using a 3-Stage Cleaning System, featuring unique Dual Multi-Surface Rubber Brushes that adjust to different floor types and avoid getting tangled with pet hair. Learn More Roomba® j9+ Self-Emptying Robot Vacuum $499...
美国亚马逊 iRobot Roomba 980 Vacuum Cleaning Robot ¥899.99美 去购买 米国人的效率真是可以的,美亚用了8天才送货到我的转运公司,转运公司这笔必须给个赞,12天就送到我家了,无税 扫地机:包装还是很安全的,到手没任何问题全球电压100~240V,必须赞 ...
美国亚马逊海淘链接:iRobot Roomba 980 Vacuum Cleaning Robot 3?Braava系列 Braava擦地机器人简单易用,按下启动按钮即刻开始工作;完成清洁任务后,自动回到起点并关机。它设有两种高效清洁模式——采用干燥清洁布的干式清 洁及湿润清洁布的湿擦模式,两者相得益彰,能够每日快速清理地板上的灰尘和污垢。此外,Braava拥有轻...
iRobot Roomba 985 全自动家用智能扫地机器人 iRobot Roomba 985全自动扫地机器人,传承iAdapt人工智能技术,应对复杂家居环境,多个传感器实时收集环境数据,多种运动方式随机应变,革新升Aero Force清扫系,清扫更干净。第二代Dirt Detect污垢探测技术,声波 + 光波探测,探测更多污垢,感知污垢存在(012420) ...
Meet the iRobot Roomba 980: one of the smartest vacuum cleaning robots money can buy. The robot can clean an entire level of your home and navigate multiple rooms. It can clean under sofas and chairs. It works on all floor types, including carpets, hardwood, and other types of floors. ...
Il nuovo Roomba 980 di iRobot è un robot aspirapolvere intelligente e connesso, che adatta il proprio funzionamento alle esigenze dell'abitazione. 6 anni fa iRobot Roomba 980 robot vacuum cleaner review Let the iRobot Roomba 980 clean the floors while you get on with something better 6 anni ...
iRobot Roomba 980 吸塵清潔智能機械人,現售價$899.99,免運費。 這款智能機器人是迄今為止iRobot Roomba系列吸塵機器人的最高端型號,代表機器人清潔領域的革新力作。採用革新Aero Force Extractors清潔系統,清潔能力比以往Roomba機型提升50%之多。全面取代傳統鬃毛刷頭