12369 1245781011 4時29分07秒GMT 2025年2月13日星期四 Country:Ireland Lat/Long:53°21'N / 6°16'W Elevation:17 m Currency:Euro (EUR) Languages:English, Irish Country Code:+353
主要货币:爱尔兰镑 ┆ 国际电话区号:353 简介 爱尔兰面积70282平方公里,位于欧洲西部的爱尔兰岛中南部,西濒大西洋,东北与英国的北爱尔兰接壤,东隔爱尔兰海与英国相望更多:https://www.bmcx.com/,海岸线长3169公里。中部是丘陵和平原,沿海多为高地,最长的河流香农河长约370公里,最大的湖泊为科里布湖。爱尔兰属温带...
中文全称 爱尔兰共和国 人口数量 485.7万(2018) 英文全称 Republic of Ireland 主要民族 爱尔兰人 国庆日 3月17日 国土面积 7万平方公里 国家首都 都柏林 官方语言 爱尔兰语、英语 主要城市 科克,利默里克 政治体制 议会制共和制 行政区划 26个郡、3个郡级市和2个市郡 ...
idaireland@ida.ie +353 1 603 4000 IDA Ireland Three Park Place Hatch Street Upper Dublin 2 D02 FX65 First Name * Surname * Email Address * Message * Please select the box to accept terms and conditions. IDA Ireland may use your details to send you updates and other marketing material. ...
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We currently provide recovery services for business-to-business collections and government and banking sectors in Ireland; and, fundamentally,these services are tailored and adapted to suit your individual reporting regimes and cycles. Each company varies so it is important to ensure that we have a ...
Monster Entertainment is a brand management company which develops entertainment brands and distributes them worldwide. Our best selling Animation series has sold in approx. 200 countries. Our catalogue features animation for all ages from pre-school, through to animation for adults, including; Oscar...
+353 1 404 4000if calling from abroad Northern Ireland and Great Britain customers: 03457 365 555 +44 3457 365 555if calling from abroad 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday (including Bank holidays) 9am to 2pm Saturday. Closed Sunday Money transfers to Ukraine can be made online via Banking 365...
(28) (29) (68%) 91JOC353 (30) (31) (75%) 89TL515 (32) (33) 85H(23)549 (34) (35) 85JOC707 (36) (37) (77%) 84CC827 Sign in to download full-size image Show moreView chapterExplore book Planning Enantioselective Synthesis E.J. Corey, László Kürti, in Enantioselective Che...
+353 65 708 6141 View website Cliffs of Moher, County Clare L-R: The Cliffs of Moher; O'Brien's Tower at the Cliffs of Moher; the Cliffs of Moher under a blue sky; Doolin, County Clare Fabulous flora and fauna Of course, one of the most unique and precious aspects of the cliffs...