陈述式将来未完成时(Futuro Simple)和ir a + infinitive都可以用来表示将来的行动,但它们在某些场合中...
他/她/你走过a 我们/我们走过大师 你/你走过是 他们/他们/你走过an 你看到每个人的动词形式是如何用不同的结局? 我们称之为动词的人称形式. 多亏了他们,我们可以用西班牙语介绍一个动作不标记主题或时间戳必然在句子中,因为动词本身就包含了信息。
Ir a + infinitive In Spanish, many useful expressions are formed by combining two verbs. When this occurs, the first verb is conjugated, while the second verb remains in the infinitive form. ir, viajar Yo voy a viajar a España. I am going to travel to Spain. acabar, comer Tú ...
Learn how to express intentions for the near future in Spanish. Discover ir + a + infinitive examples, and practice using ir + a + infinitive with...
If you have noticed, in the previous questions I have written «you go + a + infinitive». Is the verb go + to + infinitive and we use it a lot in Spanish to talk about the future. Do you want to know more about this structure? Well, stay with me and I'll tell you! At...
Complete the sentences using the correct form of ir + a + infinitive. El piso (estar) disponible a partir del 1 de marzo. Los trabajadores (convocar) una huelga. Ahora mismo (yo/hacer) la maleta. ¿Cuándo (tú/limpiar) el polvo de tu habitación? Mañana (nosotros/vender) todos ...
IR+A+Infinitive Howtosayyouaregoingtodo something. ir •Yourememberhowtoconjugatetheverbir: YovoyNosotros/asvamos TúvasVosotros/asvais Él/ella/Ud.vaUds./ellos/ellasvan ir+a+location •Ifyouwanttosayyouaregoingtoaspecific place,usethe“ir+a+location”formula. –Forexample,ifyouwanttosay...
The periphrastic future tense is composed of three different parts: the present indicative conjugation of the verbir(to go), the prepositiona,and the infinitive of the verb. Read More Master "Compartir" Conjugation & Share with Ease
-ir动词(规则) -ir动词(规则)的变化 Verbswithinfinitivesendingin-irformasecondgroupofregularverbs inFrench,oftencalled'secondconjugation'verbs.Toconjugatethese verbs,dropthe-irfromtheinfinitiveandaddthesecondconjugation presenttenseendings:-is,-is,-it,-issons,-issez,-issent. Thesingularandpluralforms...