真的不要想多了,有A15的加持,能耗确实降低了,比 SE2 多了两个小时的续航,但是多了个5G网络,如果为了省电不开5G,那买它干嘛。你不知道SE3的续航啥样,可以参考 12mini 和 12。 看官网的对比图,iPhone SE3 和 12mini 可以说续航一模一样,既然续航相同,何不...
搭载A18 晶片与 Face ID 据最新报道,iPhone SE 4有望在2025年初发布,这款手机可能会采用与iPhone 14系列相似的设计,并配备6.1英寸的OLED显示屏,这将使其屏幕比当前型号的4.7英寸LCD显示屏有显著提升。此外,iPhone SE 4预计将搭载A18芯片,并支持Apple Intelligence功能,同时可能会从Touch ID转变为Face ID,这可能标...
根据摩根大通的最近的报告指出,苹果将在今年4月份推出新一代iPhone SE Plus,取代现有的iPhone SE机型。新机会同时会采用类似iPhone XR的外观,搭载6.1寸、具备刘海的LCD全面屏,来代替目前第二代iPhone SE相对不符合业界主流、屏幕占比也不高的4.7寸屏幕。 报告...
But when someone has a perfectly working phone, spending $15 a month during a pandemic isn't something they're looking for especially when the device looks identical to the one they have in hand. oVerboost macrumors 68000 Original poster Sep 17, 2013 1,565 1,039 United Kingdom Apr 13...
You really think that releasing a phone with 2014 design in 2020 isn’t “punishing” enough already for a $400-450 Apple model, camera needs to be inferior too in addition to being single? Click to expand... 1) I think the times are a little different. When the iPhone SE was ...
When it comes to iPhone deals, it's important to know that the Apple Store isn't usually the best place to find a bargain. Instead, the retailers listed below tend to provide better deals on iPhones andApple products overallduring the holidays. ...
âIf your phone case isn't made with Magnetic, please remove it for charging.(Adapter not included) Mag-safe charger design wireless charging pad make hassle-free and enable you to play games, watch movies ...
同8se的对比 和6s 先说缺点 1、超级喜欢3d touch,切换应用从左侧按压已经成为了习惯,压感开枪也成就了我几个赛季王牌,kd4+。 没有了3d,不知道是否被阉割了,个人感觉应该是被屏蔽掉,不然更换这么多屏幕也是成本,期待后期能重新放开这项功能 2、电池,依旧和8一样的电池,可想而知续航和11天差地别,xr不用...
There's also an upside to eSIM: you can store eight of them in your iPhone 14 Pro and have two of them active at the same time. You'd need a little wallet or case to hold your physical SIMs, and then pray you don't lose any of them. Tech nerd me does wish Apple would...
[品牌型号]:iPhone SE 16G [价格]:1450元 [主要参数]:标准配置,赠送充电宝,手机防爆膜,防摔壳,剪卡器 [销售商家]:大众手机专卖店 [联系人 ]:陈依敏 [销售电话]:13556855344 [联系QQ ]:1137708556 [销售地址]:常州市邮电路富海手机卖场1A0333 [商城链接]:http://dealer.zol.com.cn/d_181767/ ...