吴京用iPhone,结果网友说为什么不用华为,还扣了一个大帽子给他。 其实一直不理解,选择使用什么品牌的手机和AG为什么要绑在一起,令人费解。 其实在我看来选手机,不要被品牌禁锢,否则你就是被割韭菜的时候了,参数是基准,体验是升级,抛开这两点说某个品牌就是好的不是傻就是蠢。 就说OPPO吧,每一代产品设计都非...
However the risk you take is not limited to your device. If you connect your device to the internet it might be used in a botnet to attack other devices. Or in a network it could infect other devices. Again, it feels like you like iOS but... are you actually interested in w...
Smart HDR shots and everyday photos look the same. Our recent iPhone XS camera comparison to the Pixel 3 shows where Smart HDR succeeds, and where it still isn't as good in low light as what the Pixel 3 can do. The real difference is that this phone doesn't have the rear ...
Avoid international charges, yet still enjoy the apps on your phone by connecting to Wifi. You don’t need to do anything special to your phone before you go abroad.Afteryou arrive in your destination country: How to Turn on Airplane Mode and Use Wifi at the Same Time (Yes, you can)...
I manage to print from my IMac (wireless connection). But I can't print with my Iphone. They're all connected to the same wifi network. I tried both solutions : - I activated the "wireless direct" mode, so my iphone sees the printer like a wifi network, but when I...
Actually, make that your towers. Now, you choose how you connect no matter where you are, in your home, business, even beyond the reach of cellular. You don't have to install an extra app, it'll just work. Wi-Fi Calling now available on iPhones. The phone you want has Wi-Fi ...
The seemingly endless conveyor belt of new technology and gadgets, like the iPad and iPhone, makes it a job of work to adapt to constant changes -- for Japan's publishers as well as users.Tomomichi Amano
This is total b/s you can tell ... they wouldn't be a able to have kept it so quiet and yes it would piss you us customers off. Vodafone also is the s***est network of all in the uk ...they may have the biggest 3g network but they chrage a stupid amount for it and voi...
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