错误"iperf3: error - unable to receive control message: connection reset by peer" 表示在使用 iperf3 进行网络性能测试时,客户端(或服务器端,取决于哪一端报错)尝试接收控制消息时,连接被对方(peer)强制重置了。这通常意味着网络连接在数据传输过程中意外中断。 2. 常见原因 网络不稳定:网络波动、中断或不...
当你在使用iperf3客户端连接到iperf3服务器时,如果出现“iperf3: error - unable to connect to server: Connection refused”错误,可能是由于以下原因之一导致的: - 服务器未运行或未正确配置。 - 防火墙阻止了连接。 - 网络连接存在问题。 为了解决这个问题,你可以尝试以下几个步骤: - 确保iperf3服务器正在运行...
I "intermittently" (~5% of time) keep seeing Connection time out on my test bed. If I retest it usually is not seen. I am trying to understand what it means by this error message "iperf3: error - unable to connect to server: Connection t...
First, I unzipped the zip file into a folder. Then I ran the program in the folder with the command: iperf3 -c -i 1 -t 60 -p 8005. For the record, I had started the server with the ip and the port was 8005. The server started successfully. However, ...
修改文件 src/iperf_api.c,否则,执行 iperf3 时,出错:iperf3: error - unable to create a new stream no such file or directory # cd /mnt/vm_ztg_t/paper-8-test-nougat/
iperf3: error - unable to send control message: Bad file descriptor My measurement environment here. [client] i.MX8M Plus EVK iperf 3.9 (cJSON 1.7.13) IP: command:# iperf3 -c -p 5201 [server] PC:ubuntu 20.04 iperf 3.7 (cJSON...
This error message indicates that the iperf3 tool is unable to create a new network stream because it cannot find the necessary files or directories. This can be caused by a variety of issues, including incorrect configuration settings, problems with the network environment, or issues with the ...
(OK) Android 7 中使用 iperf3, 错误解决:error - unable to create a new stream no such file or directory 2018-01-01 10:40 −... 张同光 0 2235 fatal error: sys/videoio.h: No such file or directory 2019-12-10 15:25 −Determining if the include file sys/videoio.h exists failed...
iperf3在使用过程中,服务端启动命令 iperf3 -s,如果出现以下错误: iperf3: error - unable to start listener for connections: Address in use iperf3: exiting 说明端口被占用了,这段错误提示的翻译是: iperf3:错误-无法启动连接器的侦听:地址使被用中 iperf3:退出 此时,不要慌,不要去怀... ...
If I try to run iperf3 again, I got "iperf3: error - unable to read from stream socket: Resource temporarily unavailable": Running tcpdump I see one pattern: This is the server side, on the left the capture before running PTP4l, on the rigth after running PTP4l ...