真机环境下,UI的处理必须是单线程的,所以当 在一个已存在的UI上切换新的UI时,会出现Only run on the main thread 错误。告诉你,只能在主线程上运行。 那么解决方法是: dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [[[YXGSDK sharedInstance] GetViewController]presentViewController:ForgotPasswdV2animated:NO...
iOS 中performSelectorOnMainThread 参数 waitUntilDone 很多说这个参数在主线程无效,这样的说法是错误的,当这个参数为YES,时表示当前runloop循环中的时间马上响应这个事件,如果为NO则runloop会将这个事件加入runloop队列在合适的时间执行这个事件。 可以通过block的同步和异步执行方式来观察这个参数;具体代码如下: 可以看出为...
You can use this method to deliver messages to the main thread of your application. The main thread encompasses the application’s main run loop, and is where the NSApplication object receives events. The message in this case is a method of the current object that you want to execute on t...
1. [self performSelector:@selector(run) onThread:thread withObject:nil waitUntilDone:YES]; 1. 2.在主线程上执行操作 [java]view plaincopy 1. [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(run) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:YES]; 1. 3.在当前线程执行操作 [java]view plaincopy 1. [self performSel...
一个NSThread对象就代表一条线程 创建、启动线程 (1) NSThread *thread = [[NSThread alloc] initWithTarget:self selector:@selector(run) object:nil]; [thread start]; // 线程一启动,就会在线程thread中执行self的run方法 主线程相关用法 + (NSThread *)mainThread; // 获得主线程 ...
- (void)onThread {// 1. 创建线程: 定义一个pthread_t类型变量pthread_t thread;// 2. 开启线程: 执行任务pthread_create(&thread, NULL, run, NULL);// 3. 设置子线程的状态设置为detached,该线程运行结束后会自动释放所有资源pthread_detach(thread); ...
下面的代码演示了如何使用 performSelectorOnMainThread: withObject: waitUntilDone: 方法来及时刷新图片 1. 创建iOS空应用程序(Empty Application). 2. 加入一个控制器类. 在YYAppDelegate.m中修改 #import"MainViewController.h"@implementationYYAppDelegate- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLau...
This method should not be called on the main thread as it may lead to UI unresponsiveness. I want to make sure we’re all on the same page here, so I created a tiny test project with a WKWebView and reproduced the problem. Here’s what I see when using Xcode 14.1 running on macOS...
Run 表示运行,Loop 表示循环。结合在一起就是运行循环的意思。RunLoop 就是在程序运行过程中循环做一些事情. RunLoop 的应用范畴有哪些? 定时器 (Timer)、PerformSelector GCD Async Main Queue 事件响应、手势识别、界面刷新 网络请求 AutoreieasePool
... Thread 1 (thread 11523): 1.0 0x006267d0 in m_OptionsMenu_Start () 1.1 0x002e4160 in wrapper_runtime_invoke_object_runtime_invoke_void__this___object_intptr_intptr_intptr () 1.2 0x00a1dd64 in mono_jit_runtime_invoke (method=0x18b63bc, obj=0x5d10cb0, params=0x0, exc=0x...