Steamdeck商..今天发现自己deck的客户端页面全部invalid SSL certificate error -202 status 4第一反应就是Steamcommunity302的证书过期了,因为只有一年有效期
steamdeck 客户端页面全部invalid SSL certificate error -202 status 4 我是这种情况,供同样情况的小伙伴参考 使用的是羽翼城大佬的Steamcommunity302插件 距离安装使用一年了 解决方法(可能是因为更新以后的SteamOS需要手动安装下证书) 先卸载原来的证书 sh 电脑上用Steamcommunity302生成新的证书导入文件,...
invalid ssl certificatethe ssl certificate for is invalid and the page will not be loaded (error:-202 status:4). 文心快码BaiduComate 针对你遇到的“invalid ssl certificate”错误(错误代码:-202,状态:4),这里有几个可能的解决方案,你可以逐一尝试: 确认系统时间是否...
Hello, I am using the Linux version of the application, I also use a corporate proxy that replaces the certificate, as a result I get the error "-202 err_cert_autority_invalid". How can I find out the addresses of the servers the application is accessing to exclude them from SSL inspe...
Hello, I am using the Linux version of the application, I also use a corporate proxy that replaces the certificate, as a result I get the error \"-202 err_cert_autority_invalid\".How can I find out the addresses of the servers the application is accessing to exclude them from SSL ins...
My assumption is that the error message I'm posting about: Error getting robot ID: status: Internal, message: "protocol error: received message with invalid compression flag: 60 (valid flags are 0 and 1) while receiving response with status: 404 Not Found", details: [], metadata: Metadata...
So all the requests are pretty much cancelled with the same error which is not surprising. From the certificate verifier stack, t=5067 [st=1] -CERT_VERIFY_PROC --> cert_status = 4 --> is_issued_by_known_root = false Couple of checks to verify, Do you see any output when you ru...
steamdeck 客户端页面全部invalid SSL certificate error -202 status 4 我是这种情况,供同样情况的小伙伴参考 使用的是羽翼城大佬的Steamcommunity302插件 距离安装使用一年了 解决方法(可能是因为更新以后的SteamOS需要手动安装下证书) 先卸载原来的证书 sh ...
I'm trying to get express + spdy working together. I followed this walkthrough and encountered an error. I'm pared down the example to a very simple case that consistently fails with the error below. I don't believe I'm making any obviou...
steamdeck 客户端页面全部invalid SSL certificate error -202 status 4 我是这种情况,供同样情况的小伙伴参考 使用的是羽翼城大佬的Steamcommunity302插件 距离安装使用一年了 解决方法(可能是因为更新以后的SteamOS需要手动安装下证书) 先卸载原来的证书 sh ...