CLong CoClassAttribute CollectionsMarshal ComAliasNameAttribute ComawareEventInfo ComCompatibleVersionAttribute ComConversionLossAttribute ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute ComEventInterfaceAttribute ComEventsHelper COMException ComImportAttribute ComInterfaceType ComMemberType ComRegisterFunctionAttribute ComSourceInterfacesAttribu...
昨天还好好的,今天突然就不行了,重置了secret 还是一样,浏览器直接访问'.$appid.'&secret='.$sessionKey.'&js_code='.$JSCODE.'&grant_type=authorization_code 结果提示一样的结果 {"errcode":40029,"errmsg":"invalid code, hints: [ req_id:...
配置许可管理器服务后,无法启动。 在debug日志文件中,显示以下错误: (adskflex) Invalid license key (inconsistent authentication code) (adskflex) ==>INCREMENT <ProductFeature> adskflex 1.000 <LicenseType> <LicenseCount> \ 或者FLEXnet版本过期。
By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service and acknowledge you have read our privacy policy. Browse other questions tagged c scanf fopen or ask your own question. Featured on Meta Upcoming sign-up experiments related to tags The return of Staging Ground to Stack ...
From IRC: [14:58:26] hello everyone. I am getting this erro: [14:58:30] Error [14:58:31] [ERROR] InvalidCredentialsError: 80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C090400, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 52e, v1db1 [14:59:19] can someone chec...
INVALID_PARAMETER(参数有误[XXX 类型目前不支持申请]) INVALID_PARAMETER(参数有误[电子回单类型不能为空]) INVALID_PARAMETER(参数有误[电子回单类型暂时不支持类型:BAIL_DETAIL]) INVALID_PARAMETER(参数有误[日期格式错误。) INVALID_PARAMETER(参数有误[时间不能为空]) INVALID_PARAMETER(参数有误[只能申请过去日...
翻了历史帖子,排查了出现这种情况可能性的原因,23号的时候公众号授权过“抽奖助手”小程序,使用过里面关注公众号抽奖 - 发现金红包的功能,一直到24号中午开奖。开始有用户反馈无法关注公众号是24号下午,一直到凌晨都有用户反馈无法关注。(不是所有人都无法关注,是会
http_build_query([ 'response_type' => 'code', 'response_mode' => 'form_post', 'client_id' => '', 'redirect_uri' => ''), 'state' => $_SESSION['state'], 'scope' => 'name email', ]); After struggling with the domain verification ...
升级安装后重启某个阶段失败,正在撤销对计算机所做的修改,重启后弹窗报错。 无法安装windows11,0xc1900101 - 0x40021在SYSPREP_RESPECIALIZE操作过程中的SECOND_BOOT阶段,安装失败。 网友之前是win10升级的21h2,后续想升级22h2,用了家庭版22h2镜像升级,还下载了预览版升级都是失败,和上图一样的错误代码。所以我直接...
Because C requires that the size of an array object with static storage duration to be a constant expression: If the size is an integer constant expression and the element type has a known constant size, the array type is not a variable length array type; otherwise, the ...