Windows 防火牆規則 - 定義細微的防火牆規則,包括特定埠、通訊協定、應用程式和網路,以及允許或封鎖網路流量。 此配置檔的每個實例最多支援150個自定義規則。 提示 使用MdmStore/FirewallRules/{FirewallRuleName}/PolicyAppId CSP 中所述的原則應用程式識別符設定,需要您的環境使用 Windows Defender 應用程控 (WDAC)...
FirewallRules/FirewallRuleName/LocalUserAuthorizationList 為此規則指定授權的本機用戶清單。 如果此原則中的服務名稱設定為 Windows 服務,則無法指定授權使用者的清單。 如果未指定授權的使用者,則預設值為所有使用者。 IP 位址設定 指定套用此規則的本機和遠端位址: ...
FirewallRules/FirewallRuleName/LocalUserAuthorizationList 为此规则指定已授权本地用户的列表。 如果此策略中的 服务名称 设置为 Windows 服务,则无法指定授权用户的列表。 如果未指定授权用户,则默认值为 所有用户。IP 地址设置指定应用此规则的本地和远程地址:任何...
防火牆 CSP: FirewallRules/FirewallRuleName/App/PackageFamilyName 檔案路徑– 您必須指定用戶端裝置上應用程式的檔案路徑,它可以是絕對路徑或相對路徑。 例如:C:\Windows\System\Notepad.exe 或 %WINDIR%\Notepad.exe。 防火牆 CSP: FirewallRules/FirewallRuleName/App/FilePath Windows 服務– 如果是服務,而不...
Well, I have found out - through a lot of testing - that the firewall rules that apply to that profile (Domain, Private, Public) is shown in Windows Defender Firewall... -> Monitoring -> Firewall That's now the good part... ...
understand that we canaddwindows firewall rules via below way. can weupdateexisting windows firewall rule using intune?
Adding Firewall rules to allow traffic on the added endpoint For ports added as endpoints in the above procedure, no configuration is done automatically to the firewall in the guest operating system. When you create an endpoint, you’ll need to configure the appropriate ports in the firewall ...
Microsoft has also increased reporting in its cloud-based Microsoft Secure Score Dashboard. This is included in Windows 10 Enterprise E5 and Microsoft 365 E5 subscription and allows you to track the status of the antivirus application, operating system security updates, firewall, and other controls...
The problem we're seeing is that every time we run this process behind a palo alto firewall the downloading of the programs hangs. It gets stuck at installing 1 of 20 or 2 of 20 and after a while it eventually times out. To get passed this, I have followed the guidance from Microsof...
Firewall & networkprotection in Windows Security in Windows 11 helps you view the Microsoft Defender Firewall status and see what networks your device isconnectedto. You can easily TurnONorOFFthe Microsoft defender firewall. The following network types include the advanced access of Microsoft defende...