Result is: (A) “network adapters Intel®wireless-AC 9560” [code 10] and BT also [code 10] No go. Regular restart: no go. All SOS. If I shutdown & restart and go (B) into the BIOS and select “restore defaults” followed by “save changes” followed by “save changes and ...
Yet sometimes I can connect to the wifi and sometimes I can't. If I can't I have a code 10 error. Configuration: ROG Strix G531GU Windows 11 23H2 Intel(R) Wireless-AC 9560 160MHz Driver version : Serial number : PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_A370&SUBSYS_00348086&REV_10PCI\VEN_808...
Well no one seems to have given a solution as yet so I'll tell you what I have done. I have gone to Darty in France and bought myself a tp-link mini wireless USB adapter as I need my laptop to connect to the internet (wireless) for work purposes, it was €15 and has connected...
无线网卡Intel® Wireless-AC 9560遇到感叹号困扰?别急,这里有一招帮你解决!</ 你是否在清晨醒来,发现笔记本电脑的无线网络突然失效,设备管理器中无线网卡的图标旁边赫然挂着黄叹号,异常代码10让人感到一阵头疼?这种情况确实让人不胜其烦。别担心,经过一番探索和尝试,我找到了解决这个问题的...
求助intel w..1、首先在windows10系统下鼠标右键计算机——属性——设备管理器——网络适配器;2、然后卸载原来型号不对或者不显示型号的网卡驱动,卸载完成之后,重新扫描检测
Hello, I had been getting code 10 for the Intel Wireless AC 9560. I updated the driver to the Windows® 10 and Windows 11* Wi-Fi package drivers 23.70.2 for the Intel® Wi-Fi 7/Wi-Fi 6E/Wi-Fi 6 and Intel® 9000 series Wireless Adapters but...
解決済み: Hi, In spite of multiple attempts of reinstall the latest wireless driver for AC 9560, I keep getting the error code 10. Even tried with the
首先,尝试更新驱动程序。在“设备管理器”中找到Intel(R) Wireless-AC 9560,点击“属性”然后选择“更新驱动程序”。尝试自动更新,但可能会遇到安装失败,显示10错误和资源冲突等问题。这时,建议卸载英特尔proset/无线软件模块,从英特尔官网下载并安装最新驱动程序,确保彻底删除旧版本。在卸载后,重新安装...