Intel® C/C++ Compilers,简称 ICC,又称 Intel Compiler Collection,是编译结果在 Intel 平台上性能...
Links to the packages are available atRedistributable Libraries by Version. Download to a temporary directory. Unzip the .zip package. This creates a folder with 32bit (_ia32_) and 64bit (_intel64_) ‘.msi’ installation programs. The ‘.msi’ redistributable package...
What redistributables are now required to run a compiled app on Windows?Subscribe More actions David_Kinniburgh Beginner 10-04-2024 04:33 AM 556 Views I use VS2019 to make an app compiled with ifort/ifx using static libraries (/static) and also l...
Intel(R) Visual Fortran Redistributables on Intel(R) 64 (ww_ifort_redist_intel64_2019.5.281.msi) Do I need any special permission from Intel to use this package in fol...
This article provides details on which Intel® MKL libraries are redistributable for your applications.
Files installed by Intel C++ Redistributables for Windows* on Intel 64libmmd.dll - Intel(r) C Compiler, Intel(r) C++ Compiler, Intel(r) Fortran Compiler (Math Library for Intel(r) Compilers (thread-safe)) libmmdd.dll - Math Library for Intel(r) Compilers (Debug, thread-safe) svml_...
运行库,占不了多少空间,虽说可以删,但是删除后可能出现部分程序无法打开的问题,个人建议留着 ...
What redistributables are now required to run a compiled app on Windows?Subscribe More actions David_Kinniburgh Beginner 10-04-2024 04:33 AM 585 Views I use VS2019 to make an app compiled with ifort/ifx using static libraries (/static) and also linked to a...
I found the redistributable DLL's in this folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\Shared Libraries\redist\. Can I just zip up the appropriate subfolder (32-bit or 64-bit) and distribute them like that? Thanks! Translate 0 Kudos Reply Barbara_P_Intel Employee 08-29-202...