Australia passed the Circuit Layouts Act of 1989 as a sui generis form of chip protection.[78] Korea passed the Act Concerning the Layout-Design of Semiconductor Integrated Circuits in 1992.[79] 参考译文:澳大利亚通过了《1989年线路布局法》 ,作为芯片保护的一种特殊形式。[78]韩国于1992年通过了《...
Integrated_Circuits(集成电路)电子信息类专业英语、计算机类专业英语文章汇编[推荐].pdf,I nt e g r a t e d_ Ci r c u i t s ( 集成 电路 ) 电子信息类专业英语、计算机类专业英语文章 精品资料 集成电路 集成电路 数字逻辑和电子电路由称为晶体管的
A computer-implemented method of generating an integrated circuit design comprises: using a computer, detecting communication paths between data handling nodes, the data handling nodes comprising data source nodes, data sink nodes and data routing nodes operating according to respective power domains, ...
Integrated circuit design, or IC design, is a part of a larger body of knowledge known as electronics engineering. In the discipline of electronics engineering, there is a process known as circuit design. The goal of circuit design is to assemble a collection of interconnected circuit elements ...
必应词典为您提供Computer-Aided-Integrated-Circuit-Design的释义,网络释义: 电脑辅助积体电路设计;电脑转助积体电路设计;
integrated circuit- a microelectronic computer circuit incorporated into a chip or semiconductor; a whole system rather than a single component microcircuit micro chip,microchip,microprocessor chip,silicon chip,chip- electronic equipment consisting of a small crystal of a silicon semiconductor fabricated to...
Pure, logic-only gate array design is rarely implemented by circuit designers today, replaced almost entirely by field programmable devices such as FPGAs, which can be programmed by the user and thus offer minimal tooling charges, marginally increased piece part cost and comparable performance.Today...
真正的Design Perspective 作者是Mark Horowitz组里曾经的天才学生,年纪轻轻就和Ivan Sutherland一起完成了Logical Effort的完备理论建立,在Domino Circuit Design以及VLSI教学方面是当仁不让的明星。 此书是众多VLSI书中最新最贴近design的一本,虽然它并不叫A Design Perspective。是本用来准备工作... (展开) ...
Symbolic Analysis in Analog Integrated Circuit Design The book provides an introduction to computer-aided symbolic analysis of analog integrated circuits. Symbolic circuit analysis is a class of systematic methods trying to give an understanding of the electrical behavior of a circuit. It a... H Flo...
Integrated Circuit Design If you add antimony to silicon, you provide it slightly extra electrons than it would usually include the power to conduct electricity. Silicon “doped” that way is called n-type silicon. When you add boron instead of antimony, you take away some of silicon’s elect...