Sentinel-2C, once in orbit, will replace the Sentinel-2A unit – prolonging the life of the Sentinel-2 mission – ensuring a continuous supply of data for Copernicus, the Earth observation component of the EU Space Programme. Tune in to ESA WebTV on 4 September from 03:30 CEST to watch...
Let's Celebrate African Union ECOSOCC 20th Year Anniversary Two Decades of Empowerment: AU-ECOSOCC's Journey Towards African Renaissance" READ MORE General Assembly The 2nd Ordinary Session of the 4th Permanent General Assembly This session will focus on leadership elections, achievements, and Africa...
Sentinel-1C on Vega-C return to flight, VV25 :Acquisition of signalThe clip you see playing above is a web quality MP4. You may acquire the broadcast quality version(s) of this clip listed below. You may wish to check out the encoding settings of the available broadcast qualit...
HTML Navigation Pages Yes Formats doc pdf zip + Other formats Languages (maximum 2) E F S A C R + Multilingual (E: English - F: French - S: Spanish - A: Arabic - C: Chinese - R: Russian)Test ITU Translate for automated document translation ...
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Meetings Your location:JI Home>JI Supervisory Committee (JISC) 10:38 09 Feb 25 The Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC), under the authority and guidance of the CMP, inter alia, supervises the verification procedure defined in paragraphs 30-45 of theJI guidelines. ...
Dear wind product user, The dissemination of OSI SAF HY-2B and HY-2C 25 km and 50 km wind products with operational status (OSI-114-a, OSI-114-b, OSI-115-a and OSI-115-b) on EUMETCast will start on 4 November. The HY-2B and HY-2C satellites were launched
The case C.O.C.G. and Others v. Lithuania concerns four Cuban nationals and their repeated attempts to enter Lithuania by crossing the border with Belarus. Press release Calendar of hearings more ... Decisions Inadmissibility decision concerning France 16/01/25 The Court has declared inadmis...
Индексдокумента WIPO/GRTKF/IC/25/5 Мероприятияпотеме WIPO/GRTKF/IC/25 Датапубликации 30 мая 2013 г.English Consolidated Document Relating to Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources Document prepared by the Secretariat Полн...
Индексдокумента WIPO/GRTKF/IC/23/WWW/230222 Мероприятияпотеме WIPO/GRTKF/IC/23 Датапубликации 8февраля 2013 г.English Consolidated Document Relating to Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources Rev. 2 Полнаявер...