规格型号 Instrument Systems Ernst Brinck & Co. GmbH CAS 140CT series CCD分光辐射计 Inst CAS 120 CCD分光辐射计 Instrument Systems MAS 40 工业光谱仪 Instrument System CAS 120-HR 实验室分光辐射计 Instrument Systems CAS 140CT-HR 自动化分光辐射计 Instrume CAS 140D series 分光辐射计 Instrument...
Instrument Systems GmbH of Munich, Germany (a subsidiary of Konica MinoIta Group since 2012) is showcasing its premium-class high-resolution spectroradiometers for the characterization of laser light sources and displays. The reference device CAS 140D forms the basis of the system and is supplement...
Instrument Systems TOP 200 150 光线测量探头说明书 TOP 200/150 Telescopic Optical Probes for radiance and luminance measurements
Request Quote The CAS140CT-151 from Instrument Systems is an array spectrometer that operates from 360 to 830 nm. It has a spectral resolution of 2.2 nm. This device has a newly developed Crossed-Czerny-Turner spectrograph incorporating a high-end, back-Illuminated CCD detector t...
泰特仪器 TETINSTRUMENT SAIWEI INSTRUMENT/赛纬 skyrayinstrument 德国GMCINSTRUMENT 天瑞Skyray AZINSTRUMENT 约克仪器YORK INSTRUMENT Grace Instrument格雷斯 美国奈NYE Sinton Instrument 美国Einstrument instrumentsystems KINGINSTRUMENT Texas Instrument Brooks Instrument brooksinstrument MKS DSquame physikinstrumentePI MidWest...
CAS140D已经是InstrumentSystems在全球大获成功的CAS140 系列的第4代产品。作为光测量技术的新标杆,CAS140D在高光 强和低光强情况下都能确保最高的测量准确度,且具备出色的杂散 光抑制性能和广泛的动态范围。配件自动识别功能使CAS140D能 够灵活应用于广泛的光谱辐射和光度测量任务中。