Install Ruby on Rails Mac How toinstall Ruby on Rails on a Mac. With Ruby 3.0 and Rails 6.1 on macOS Big Sur or Catalina. Up-to-date and kitchen-tested instructions, with troubleshooting tips, from the author of the book,Learn Ruby on Rails. This article will help you set up a devel...
In this tutorial you installed Ruby on Rails with rbenv on macOS. From here, you can learn more about coding in Ruby with ourHow To Code in Rubyseries. You can also explore how to use Ruby on Rails withPostgreSQLrather than its default sqlite3 database, which provides more scalability, ...
这两天在我的mac机上安装Ruby On Rails,感觉很爽,似乎在使用一个Windows和Linux的结合体,要界面有界面,要命令行有命令行。 不过安装Ruby On Rails的过程中遇到一个问题,花了点时间。找到问题根源后发现自己挺可笑的,所以记录在这里,希望大家不要象我这么傻。 问题的现象是我安装Ruby On Rails的时候系统没有响应。
这两天在我的mac机上安装Ruby On Rails,感觉很爽,似乎在使用一个Windows和Linux的结合体,要界面有界面,要命令行有命令行。 不过安装Ruby On Rails的过程中遇到一个问题,花了点时间。找到问题根源后发现自己挺可笑的,所以记录在这里,希望大家不要象我这么傻。 问题的现象是我安装Ruby On Rails的时候系统没有响应。
Install Ruby on your Mac with a single command Have you been struggling for the past few hours, or even days, trying to get your Rails, Jekyll, iOS, Flutter, React Native, or other Ruby project working? Have you been getting error after error when installing Ruby gems, or even just Rub...
install ruby to mac 1、在ruby官方上面提示在macbook中安装ruby可以执行这样一句话:% port install rubyy 2、但是要执行这个的前提是你已经安装了macport了,但是可恶的是你要安装macport的话要先安装mac上面的 xcode才能安装macport 3、所以你应该先下载xcode_3.2.4_and_ios_sdk_4.1.dmg然后安装之后,去http:/...
This is whereRuby on Maccan save you a ton of time. It has a “reset” mode that can safely back up and clean up your dev setup in less than 1 minute, and then you can run it in “normal” mode to reinstall everything you need from scratch in less than 15 minutes....
rvm install did not worked on arm64 Mac M1 Sonama 14.3.1 Below command worked for me after re-installing openssl@1.1 RUBY_CONFIGURE_OPTS=--with-openssl-dir=/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl@1.1arch-x86_64rvminstall2.x.x 🎉1 I had to make sure I was using Rosetta terminal, for some reason...
rvm install ruby-3.2.2 --with-openssl-dir=/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl@1.1 👍 42 ️ 5 glumes commented Nov 7, 2023 This worked on my M2 Mac with sonoma - rvm install ruby-3.2.2 --with-openssl-dir=/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl@1.1 This is helpful for me. thanks 👍 3 wtfi...
Ruby-install是一个用于安装Ruby的命令行工具,它可以帮助开发者快速安装和管理不同版本的Ruby。下面是使用ruby-install安装Ruby的预览版的步骤: 首先,确保你的系统已经安装了必要的依赖项,如GCC、make和curl等。你可以使用包管理器来安装这些依赖项,具体命令取决于你所使用的操作系统。 打开终端,并执行以下命令来下载并...