All in all, the Dell Inspiron 14 5000 series represents a solid and dependable value in a home or student laptop. We like its clean design, above-average build quality, good overall performance and battery life, touch screen, and backlit keyboard. On the downside, the low 1,366x768 screen...
1. Right microphone 13. Left-click area 1. 右側麥克風 13. 左鍵區 1. 右マイク 12. ハードドライブアクティビティ 2. Camera 14. Right-click area 2. 攝影機 14. 右鍵區 2. カメラ ライト 3. Camera-status light 15. Right speaker 3. 攝影機狀態指示燈 15. 右側喇叭 3. カメラ...
5. Optical drive 14. 8-in-1 Media Card Reader • To contact Dell for sales, technical support, or 6. Hard-drive activity light 15. USB 2.0 ports (2) Importador: customer service issues, go to /ContactDell. 1 2 3 7. Power button 16. Microphone port Customers in the United States...
Front I/O-panel door (open) 14. Regulatory labels 3. サービスタグラベル 13. セキュリティケーブルスロット 제품지원 및설명서 5. Media-card reader 15. Power-adapter port 4. 前面I/O パネルドア (開いた状態) 14. 認可ラベル Contact Dell 2 1 6. Headphone port ...