要知道,FBI督察长Michael E. Horowitz是2012年奥巴马时代由奥巴马的亲信提名,参议院批准,被任命上台的(图五,图六)。Peter Strzok 和婚外情人Lisa Page以及其他FBI员工的电子邮件和发的信息多次表示对川普竞选有严重政治偏见,但报告说他们没有。明显地,希拉里是违法使用私人电脑服务器和删除电子邮件,但报告说她没有...
However Michael Horowitz did not find that James Comey shared classified information and because of this he did not recommend bringing charges against the former FBI Director. And of course we already knew from the rumors at the beginning of August that the fix was in because William Barr had ...
Inspector General of the U.S. Justice Department Michael Horowitz testifies during a House Judiciary Committee hearing, on Capitol Hill, in Washington D.C., the United States, Sept. 20, 2012. The committee is hearing testimony from Horowitz on his report of the failures of Operation Fast and ...
Department of Justice (DoJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz has asked Congress to amend the 1978 Inspector General Act to specify that the only information a federal agency can withhold from its inspector general (IG) records that Congress specifically states it does not want watchdogs to see, ...