Pick up the Motion Tracker from the safe The party room Press on the button(s) on the wall simultaneously Enter the red rectangle on the floor Finish every round of every party game Interact with the cake on the table and pick up the key Turn off the electricity on the panel and enter...
How to Beat the Backrooms in Inside the Backrooms Once you wake in the backrooms, you’ll enter the lobby. This is a safe space where the objective is to find a wall with a ladder leading up to a hole. Just follow the arrows to get there. Once you crawl through, you’ll pop out...
Key Find the gate key 66.67% (67.00) Pools Enter the pools 66.67% (67.00) Pools cat Meet a cat in the pool 66.67% (67.00) Fuse II Find fuse 2 66.67% (67.00) PigDemon III Meet the PigDemon for the third time 50.00% (90.00) Safe code Learn the safe code 50.00% ...