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Linda McMahon has said little about her views on education, worrying some. But other experts are confident she’s the right woman for the job. GovernmentPolitics & Elections Trump Picks McMahon as Education Secretary The former WWE executive has served on the board of Sacred Heart University sinc...
asizes Online Focus Inside Higher Ed Emphasizes Online FocusInside Higher Ed Emphasizes Online FocusAnnys Shin
We have the audience size, partner network and outreach tools to make your job postings impactful, helping you find the talent you will want to work with quickly. Learn more. Event Sponsorships Inside Higher Ed, in partnership with Times Higher Education,holds a series of virtual and in-perso...
网络释义 1. 高等教育内幕 “高等教育内幕”(Inside Higher Ed)网站上的一篇博客文章将整件事情总结为:“阅卷机器的胜利”。对那些倾向人工阅卷的人来 …|基于142个网页 2. 高校情报 根据“高校情报”(Inside Higher Ed),西太平洋大学(加州分校)已经于2004年被转手,由其他的管理组织经...
By Elizabeth Redden, for Inside Higher Ed
Inside Higher Ed每年都会咨询招生办对于刚刚结束的招生季的态度,以及他们何时招满了今年所需的新生。 在态度方面,今年是最令人担忧的一年。59%的采访者表示他们“非常担心”今年秋招的结果,32%表示“担心”,仅有4%的采访者表示“并不担心”。以往年案例来说,五月一号是发录取通知的传统日期,然后仅有32%表示已于...
“As university presidents, we talked first and foremost about what is our presidential responsibility as leaders in higher education,” Middleton said. To that end, the group will focus on leadership development for those who are gay presidents or gay academics who aspire to become presidents, pr...
The article discusses the study published by the "Inside Higher Education" journal on the skepticism of faculty members in the U.S. on the quality of online learning. It states that faculty members remains dubious about the value of online education. It notes that the tenured faculty may be ...
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