public Object deepClone() { ByteArrayOutputStream bos = null; ObjectOutputStream oos = null; ByteArrayInputStream bis = null; ObjectInputStream ois = null; try { bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); oos = new ObjectOutputStream(bos); oos.writeObject(this); //写入当前调用该方法的对象 bis ...
Thieken AH ,Andreas L , Bernd D , et al . 1999. Scaling input data by GIS for hydrological modelling. Hy drol Process ,13 :611~630Thieken, A.H., Lucke, A., Diekkruger, B., Richter, O., 1999. Scaling input data by GIS for hydrological modelling. Hydrological Processes 13, 611...
Bei der Beleuchtung einer Fl�che mit einem koh�renten, inhomogenen Laserlichtb�ndel entstehen Interferenzen, die sich in r�umlich unterschiedlichen Leuchtdichten bemerkbar machen, und die zudem auch noch bei verschiedenen Beobachtungsrichtungen wegen der sich dabei �ndernden Phas...
The output layer outputs a pointer to the error correction control signal. The structure of the BiGRU-Attention model is shown in F8igouf 2r8e 3. FFiigguurree33.. BBiiGGRRUU--AAtttteennttiioonn mmooddeell.. 2c..5. MTuraltiin-UinsgerpUroAcVesCs ommunication Channel Model with RIS ...
This reconstruction approach takes into accouImntatgheesfuobllboawnidnsg anreewemsoprtlosyoefdinapsuitnipmuatgdeast:a in this type of image subbands combi- n•atioCno. Tmhbisinsattriaotneg1yius saesseavevnar-ciehtaynonfesltirnapteugtieins,cliuncdliundginregc:onstruction of all subbands as...
This semi-distributed PET output from SWAT is chosen as input SBD PET in MIKE SHE. 3.2. TRMM Remotely sensed precipitation data was obtained from the daily productions of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) 3B42 V6 ( at a spatial resolution of 0.25...
The duty-cycle error of the output signal is less than ±1%. Keywords: fast locking; all-digital; duty cycle corrector (DCC); wide range correction Citation: Kao, S.-K. Design and Implementation of Fast Locking All-Digital Duty Cycle Corrector Circuit with Wide Range Input Frequency. ...