Petersen, Mitchell, 2002, Information: Hard and Soft, Kellogg Graduate School of Management - Northwestern University working paperPetersen M, "Information: Hard and Soft". WP 2004.Petersen MA (2004) Information: Hard and soft. Working paper, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, ...
Information is a fundamental component of all financial transactions and markets, but it can arrive in multiple forms. We define what is meant by hard and soft information and describe the relative advantages of each. Hard information is quantitative, easy to store and transmit in impersonal ways...
除了硬信息(hard information),如公司名、地名、价格、优惠期限,即省去会造成广告误导、或无法使其传递有效商品信息的内 …|基于29个网页 2. 软信息 ...务报 表等易于传递的 “硬信息” 资中依赖的是 “软信息” (hard information), 在融 (soft information), 由于银 超过了 80… ...
Petersen, M., 2004, "Information: Hard and Soft", mimeo, Northwestern University. Petersen M., and R. Rajan, 1994, "The bene…ts of …rm-creditor relationships: Evidence from small-business data", Journal of Finance, 49, 3-37. Prat, A., 2005, "The Wrong Kind of Transparency", ...
另一类是软信息(soft information),即从现有数据或情况中衍生出来的对公司未来发展前景和盈利状况的预测。《证券法》中…|基于53个网页 2. 模糊的软信息 ...有上述良好指标、信息模糊的小企业获得银行支持,这种模糊的软信息(soft information)是通过长期接触取得的。
An Information-Theoretic Analysis of Hard and Soft Assignment Methods for Clustering Assignment methods are at the heart of many algorithms for unsupervised learning and clustering - in particular, the well-known K-means and Expectation-Max... M Kearns,Y Mansour,AY Ng - Springer Netherlands 被引...
BPXZODMV information BPXZODMV programming interface information BPXZODMV is a programming interface. BPXZODMV heading information BPXZODMV mapping Table 1. Structure ODMV Table 2. Structure ODMVOUT
Wenn eine E-Mail nicht zugestellt werden kann, klassifiziert Mailchimp sie entweder als Soft- oder Hard-Bounce. In diesem Artikel erfährst du mehr über die verschiedenen Arten von Bounces, Richtlinien für maximal zulässige Bounce-Quoten und ihre angemessene Umsetzung....
Hard and Soft Power in a Global Information Age 3Africa with a handful of soldiers, and Britain ruled India with a colonialforce that was a tiny fraction of the indigenous population. Today,colonial rule is not only widely condemned but far too costly, as bothCold War superpowers discovered ...
The objective of the proposed research is to develop a methodologythat integrates various sources of geological, geotechnical andhydrogeological information, either soft or hard, in order to producea three-dimensional geological model for subsurface characterization.This methodology is based on an extension...